
The weather forecast for the weekend is a 46% chance of rain for Saturday and a 54% chance of rain for Sunday. If we assume that consecutive days are independent events.What is the probability that it rains over the weekend (either Saturday or Sunday)?

 Mar 2, 2020

Probability that it will rain:

-- on both Saturday and Sunday  :  0.46 x 0.54  =  0.2484

-- on Saturday but not on Sunday:  0.46 x 0.46  =  0.2116

-- on Sunday but not on Saturday:  0.54 x 0.54  = 0.2916


On Saturday or Sunday (inclusive or  --  possibly both)  =  0.2484 + 0.2116 + 0.2916  =  0.7516

On Saturday or Sunday (exclusive or  -- one or the other, but not both)  =  0.2116 + 0.2916  =  0.5032


This may be somewhat confusing because "not Sunday"  =  1.00 - 0.54  =  0.46 (the same as "on Saturday") and

"not Saturday"  =  1.00 - 0.46  =  0.54 (the same as "on Sunday").

 Mar 2, 2020

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