
The quadratic x^2+3/2x-1 has the following unexpected property: the roots, which are 1/2 and -2, are one less than the final two coefficients. Now find a quadratic with leading term x^2 such that the final two coefficients are both non-zero, and the roots are one more than these coefficients.


Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

 Mar 23, 2020

Best Answer 


Name the quadratic you try to find as :



Next we define the roots as:

x1 and x2


By vietas formulas:


x1 + x2 = -a

x1 * x2 = b

Since we know that the roots are one more than the last two coefficients respectively, we have:

x1 = a + 1

x2 = b+ 1

Substituting back in, we get:

a + 1 + (b+1) = -a

a+b + 2 = -a

2a = -b-2

a = -b/2 - 1


(a+1) * (b+1) = b

(-b/2 -1 + 1) * (b+1) = b

(-b/2) * (b+1) = b

(-b2/2 - b/2) = b

b2/2 + b/2 = -b

Dividing by b on both sides, we get:

b/2 + 1/2 = -1

b/2 = -3/2

b = -3

plugging back into our first equation, we get:

(a + 1) + (-3 + 1) = -a

a + 1 -2 = -a

a -1 = -a

2a = 1

a = (1/2)

our two roots are 1/2 and -3

 Mar 23, 2020
Best Answer

Name the quadratic you try to find as :



Next we define the roots as:

x1 and x2


By vietas formulas:


x1 + x2 = -a

x1 * x2 = b

Since we know that the roots are one more than the last two coefficients respectively, we have:

x1 = a + 1

x2 = b+ 1

Substituting back in, we get:

a + 1 + (b+1) = -a

a+b + 2 = -a

2a = -b-2

a = -b/2 - 1


(a+1) * (b+1) = b

(-b/2 -1 + 1) * (b+1) = b

(-b/2) * (b+1) = b

(-b2/2 - b/2) = b

b2/2 + b/2 = -b

Dividing by b on both sides, we get:

b/2 + 1/2 = -1

b/2 = -3/2

b = -3

plugging back into our first equation, we get:

(a + 1) + (-3 + 1) = -a

a + 1 -2 = -a

a -1 = -a

2a = 1

a = (1/2)

our two roots are 1/2 and -3

jfan17 Mar 23, 2020

Thanks so much, jfan! That's impressive!

 Mar 23, 2020

I agree.....very nice, jfan  !!!!!



cool cool cool

CPhill  Mar 23, 2020

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