
I think this site is a great idea, and i think its a great way to help other people. unfortunately, this forum is getting more and more cancerous.


what does that even mean? well,


people ask stupid questions (and im not talking about "what is 1+1" im talking about non math subjects, WHY DID I PASS OUT questions, spammers etc.)


This site needs a second forum for non math subjects (for example physics) and a forum for the spammers and the retards spamming this chat.


spam messages should be deleted, including the spammers themselves.




 Mar 26, 2017

Best Answer 


Good suggestions, Ehrlich, and we try to "white out"  the garbage.....unfortunately, there is no "spam" or "garbage" filter so whatever someone wants to post gets on.......this is probably true of most forums, unless you have "gateway" moderation


Some of the posts are innocuous [ MysticalJaycat's, for instance ] and we do encourage  some fun on here.......


My recommendation.???.....just ignore the gunk......we still have some pretty good questions being asked..... 




cool coolcool

 Mar 26, 2017
Best Answer

Good suggestions, Ehrlich, and we try to "white out"  the garbage.....unfortunately, there is no "spam" or "garbage" filter so whatever someone wants to post gets on.......this is probably true of most forums, unless you have "gateway" moderation


Some of the posts are innocuous [ MysticalJaycat's, for instance ] and we do encourage  some fun on here.......


My recommendation.???.....just ignore the gunk......we still have some pretty good questions being asked..... 




cool coolcool

CPhill Mar 26, 2017

yeah, but what im saying is we can have a forum for non math subjects, so people who dont spam on purpose can post there.


And the only way to stop the spam is to delete the spammers.


i dont think math jokes or daily quotes are spam, and im not sure about people posting "good morning" every d**n morning or congratulating every new user, but we there are posts that are definitely spam.


this is not a forum for random things, its a math forum. If you want to talk about subjects that arent related to math you can simply enter the "no math forum" or however it should be called and post whatever you want.


and although i usually post as a guest, i think not allowing to post as a guest is an option.

Ehrlich  Mar 26, 2017

Hi Ehrlich

you can hide all "off-topic" questions:

 Mar 26, 2017

It doesnt work. the only way i can see its not related to the topic is if an admin checks it and marks it. By that time they call spam more, and checking if a post is related or not can take time. you know that better than me. They wont spam if every spam post will result in deleting the poster's user.


and adding another forum is no big deal.


none (The way i see it)


saves time.


i think one of the worst thing a site can be is a human- dependent site.


And this is not the only way to do this, obviously, but i think its a way you can (and should) use.

Ehrlich  Mar 26, 2017

Yes there is some spam on here, but it could be much worse. Then again, maybe the mods get to delete it before I have a chance to see it.


But would having a second forum really get rid of the spam that we do have? There are already plenty of forums on the internet that are made just for talking about anything, like reddit. If the spammers don't go to other already existing forums to post their question, what would make them go to another forum on this website to post their question?


Also, just to throw this out there, I really like how guests can post on this forum. I get annoyed with almost every single website asking me to "create an account" before I do anything. When I finally discovered this website that allowed guests to post, I was so surprised and happy. I wouldn't be on this forum if I wasn't able to make a post as a guest. I would have seen "make an account to post" and immediately turned away. However I understand that if the forum gets a lot bigger that would probably have to change.

 Mar 26, 2017

Im not saying its going to get rid of the spam, its going to get rid of people that ask question that arent related to math but arent spammers.


And yes, they could enter reddit/tumblr/facebook/twitter/4chan etc etc but for some reason they dont. Only god knows why.

Ehrlich  Mar 26, 2017

Well if you are not happy with this website and can't tolerate some nonsense, find another website.it's just as plain as that.

check Gingerale's reply. i see you haven't commented on that one!



SARAHann  Apr 1, 2017

Ehrlich, you should read this post:  https://web2.0calc.com/questions/to-mr-andre-massow#r1


This is 14-year-old Dragonlance, articulating the nuances of web2.0calc’s social structure, in response to (who we now know as) our Blarney Banker. The Banker usually rants, but here he was even-tempered, probably because he was addressing Herr Massow.  


DL acknowledges and explains the obnoxious elements of any social forum that allows for unrestricted access and speech. 


“There many visitors who come and go as they please and the troll don’t collect his fare most of the time. There are some here who use the sidewalk instead of the bathroom, but that is true in any city or kingdom.”


In his final statement, he gives the Blarney Banker a valid suggestion:  “If you can’t stand this then go somewhere else. There are lots of sites you can answer questions and learn maths”


Ehrlich, this suggestion will work for you too.


What DL says is true; there are many math forums. Some are very good –with a few exceptions, they are mostly oriented to advanced education, but most orientated to lower level math are derelict and desolate, with many questions unanswered or answered incorrectly or poorly. These sites may have no social commentary, but they also have very little math commentary and that is supposed to be their purpose. They are little math ghost towns.  Guess what they all have in common. ... They are oriented to middle and high school students.  If the social part of the forum is restricted, the middle and high school members will just leave. Many of the college students will leave too, then this site will become a little ghost town (again).  


There is not another math forum like web2.0calc.com anywhere on the web. The undesirable social elements are a byproduct of this math forums unique nature. It is reasonable to expect this in any social environment--whether in a virtual or real world. It is also reasonable to expect some tolerance for young persons who are learning how to communicate socially, who are learning the different between assertive and aggressive behavior, and other allowable limits of social boundaries. This is a slow process. Their little brains are just starting to develop enough to have an advanced sense of ethics.


Here’s an example in progress:   https://web2.0calc.com/questions/i-think-its-important-continued


Here, Cole2 is in the midst of an ethical dilemma.  To post or not to post, that is the question. Cole decides to post, with apologies to Sir CPhill, who has (apparently) taught and awakened him to his responsibilities for social ethics.  Kudos to Sir CPhill: Learning ethics is more important than learning mathematics. I do not believe anyone wants his or her kid throwing poo while quoting the Pythagorean Theorem. Next to parents, it is the teachers and tutors who guide children to reasonable dispositions in ethical behavior.


Cole2 is a kid. You seem older—not by much, but I suppose you’re in college, and you’ve made several social posts on here. 






The first three are crude juvenile comments and there is nothing socially redeeming nor funny about them.  Isn’t it hypocritical to complain about social posts when you do this yourself? Your posts offend a lot more members than the hyperkinetic greetings of the younger members.


 Here are a few comments on your blarney.


“ and adding another forum is no big deal.”


Well then, just write the code and submit it to Herr Massow for his approval. I’m sure he’ll be impressed!


CONS: none (The way i see it)


For this one, I’ll borrow an answer from Dragonlance’s responses to the Blarney Banker’s criticism of the site calculator. (One of the funniest posts on here).  “Well your eyes aren’t very good. Maybe you need glasses. A brain would help too.”  https://web2.0calc.com/questions/melody-what-are-some-of-the-amazing-things-that-your-ohline-can-do-and-that-my-hp-scientific-calculator-can-t-do#r3  


PROS: saves time.

i think one of the worst thing a site can be is a human- dependent site.

And this is not the only way to do this, obviously, but i think its a way you can (and should) use.


I can almost hear Rod Serling (or Naus) now, “Submitted as an on-topic consideration, Mr. Ehrlich: formerly a maker of magic bullets for troubleshooting; now, extinguished by his own creation in the early days of artificial unintelligence.”  



Your hash tag says “#MakeWeb2.0CALCGreatAgain” The fact is this site is Great and has been for more than the last three of its five years. That started when a trained and skilled teacher signed on. That teacher is Melody. She along with CPhill, Alan, and a few others created a reasonably stable virtual social environment where children and adults can learn mathematics, (physics and chemistry too), along with social etiquette.  it's amazing how well it has worked without your help! I think it also amazing how a 14-year-old seems to recognize this, ("They learn maths on here and maybe some manners too."),  when so many “adults” seem oblivious.indecision



In his most recent update, Andree Massow chose the icon of a knight to represent the moderators.  Is this a coincidence or did he choose this because of the forums Camelot-like mysticism?    This was the beginning: http://web2.0calc.com/questions/what-is-the-sound-of-one-hand-clapping#r11   ...and it continues to this day.  


Herr Massow should have put a crown for Melody. Sir Melody seems quite funny; although, “Dame Melody” fits very nicely.smiley



Now for an example of a funny social post: Here is Naus trolling Melody for a Valentine’s Day greeting. Naus appends this to the post in response to solicited suggestions from Melody.  Melody found this very funny. Who wouldn't find this funny and endearing?  I sure do. 


Here’s another dog that didn’t get what he wanted either. 




Aside from being very funny, this is proof that every SOB doesn't get what he wants all the time.



 Mar 30, 2017

Ok. The browser restarted a few times after writing my answer. Im not mentally stable right now, but ill try.


Ehrlich, you should read this post:  https://web2.0calc.com/questions/to-mr-andre-massow#r1


This is 14-year-old Dragonlance, articulating the nuances of web2.0calc’s social structure, in response to (who we now know as) our Blarney Banker. The Banker usually rants, but here he was even-tempered, probably because he was addressing Herr Massow.  


DL acknowledges and explains the obnoxious elements of any social forum that allows for unrestricted access and speech. 


“There many visitors who come and go as they please and the troll don’t collect his fare most of the time. There are some here who use the sidewalk instead of the bathroom, but that is true in any city or kingdom.”


In his final statement, he gives the Blarney Banker a valid suggestion:  “If you can’t stand this then go somewhere else. There are lots of sites you can answer questions and learn maths”


Ehrlich, this suggestion will work for you too.


Im not forcing anyone to do anything. I simply suggested ideas. Im not going to track down anyone for not accepting my plan. I just think its going to improve the site. thats all. I guess im going to leave.


What DL says is true; there are many math forums. Some are very good –with a few exceptions, they are mostly oriented to advanced education, but most orientated to lower level math are derelict and desolate, with many questions unanswered or answered incorrectly or poorly. These sites may have no social commentary, but they also have very little math commentary and that is supposed to be their purpose. They are little math ghost towns.  Guess what they all have in common. ... They are oriented to middle and high school students.  If the social part of the forum is restricted, the middle and high school members will just leave. Many of the college students will leave too, then this site will become a little ghost town (again).  


There is not another math forum like web2.0calc.com anywhere on the web. The undesirable social elements are a byproduct of this math forums unique nature. It is reasonable to expect this in any social environment--whether in a virtual or real world. It is also reasonable to expect some tolerance for young persons who are learning how to communicate socially, who are learning the different between assertive and aggressive behavior, and other allowable limits of social boundaries. This is a slow process. Their little brains are just starting to develop enough to have an advanced sense of ethics.


Here’s an example in progress:   https://web2.0calc.com/questions/i-think-its-important-continued


Oh, the age-old question. "Are ethics more important than knowledge?". Its not the first time i hear this. Ive never said ANYTHING about knowledge being more important than ethics. i dont think knowledge is more important than ethics, and i think it has nothing to do with what i posted. i dont want to "get rid" of the ethical/social aspect of the forum. you are more than welcomed to check every embarrassing post ive ever posted. you wont find any.

 I just want to get it somewhere else, to another forum, just because it feels messy when scrolling up or down the main page. the forum wont have to become a "ghost town" as you call it. Besides, i think the link you said is alittle irrelevant. the post in this link is different than mine, and discusses different things.


Here, Cole2 is in the midst of an ethical dilemma.  To post or not to post, that is the question. Cole decides to post, with apologies to Sir CPhill, who has (apparently) taught and awakened him to his responsibilities for social ethics.  Kudos to Sir CPhill: Learning ethics is more important than learning mathematics. I do not believe anyone wants his or her kid throwing poo while quoting the Pythagorean Theorem. Next to parents, it is the teachers and tutors who guide children to reasonable dispositions in ethical behavior.


Cole2 is a kid. You seem older—not by much, but I suppose you’re in college, and you’ve made several social posts on here. 






The first three are crude juvenile comments and there is nothing socially redeeming nor funny about them.  Isn’t it hypocritical to complain about social posts when you do this yourself? Your posts offend a lot more members than the hyperkinetic greetings of the younger members.


Well done detective. you got me.


But i can explain. May i share my sad story with you?


When i wasw born, everything looked fine. I looked healthy on the outside, and everything was on place.


A few months later, my mother realized something is wrong. She went to the doctor, and after a quick MRI scan they knew it all. Something was missing on the inside. Very few people know about this, but there is a part in the brain responsible for us being funny. But i didnt have that one. Later, in my school, i couldnt find any friends. nobody wanted to talk to me. i was lonely and desperate, and i still am.


You're right, im not funny. those pseudo-jokes are awful. the fourth one is a joke i coppied from a website! its not even mine!


my point is it doesnt have to be funny to be relevant. What im talking about is spamming the main page, or spamming on an important question. it makes it messier. im sure there are some types of people we all can agree that are spammers. but the way i see it, im not a spammer. that question is irrelevant anyways, and meant for irrelevant things.


 Here are a few comments on your blarney.


“ and adding another forum is no big deal.”


Well then, just write the code and submit it to Herr Massow for his approval. I’m sure he’ll be impressed!


CONS: none (The way i see it)


For this one, I’ll borrow an answer from Dragonlance’s responses to the Blarney Banker’s criticism of the site calculator. (One of the funniest posts on here).  “Well your eyes aren’t very good. Maybe you need glasses. A brain would help too.”  https://web2.0calc.com/questions/melody-what-are-some-of-the-amazing-things-that-your-ohline-can-do-and-that-my-hp-scientific-calculator-can-t-do#r3  


PROS: saves time.

i think one of the worst thing a site can be is a human- dependent site.

And this is not the only way to do this, obviously, but i think its a way you can (and should) use.


I can almost hear Rod Serling (or Naus) now, “Submitted as an on-topic consideration, Mr. Ehrlich: formerly a maker of magic bullets for troubleshooting; now, extinguished by his own creation in the early days of artificial unintelligence.”  


Well then, could anyone send me the current code? i would love to try.


If you have some cons to share with me about my i dea, i would love to hear them. im not saying my idea is perfect.


Your hash tag says “#MakeWeb2.0CALCGreatAgain” The fact is this site is Great and has been for more than the last three of its five years. That started when a trained and skilled teacher signed on. That teacher is Melody. She along with CPhill, Alan, and a few others created a reasonably stable virtual social environment where children and adults can learn mathematics, (physics and chemistry too), along with social etiquette.  it's amazing how well it has worked without your help! I think it also amazing how a 14-year-old seems to recognize this, ("They learn maths on here and maybe some manners too."),  when so many “adults” seem oblivious.

I didnt say its not great. Just like what one of trump's party's member said about him, youre talking this quote too seriously. I didnt mean its not great. all im saying is we can make it better.


Now for an example of a funny social post: Here is Naus trolling Melody for a Valentine’s Day greeting. Naus appends this to the post in response to solicited suggestions from Melody.  Melody found this very funny. Who wouldn't find this funny and endearing?  I sure do. 


Here’s another dog that didn’t get what he wanted either. 




Aside from being very funny, this is proof that every SOB doesn't get what he wants all the time.


I cant ignore the fact youre trying to... i cant really put my finger on it.... demonize me? no, that is a too strong term. Every time you answer my questions, youre insulting me every few paragraphs like you're sprinkling spices. Same applies to Naus and DL. they seem to ignore what the person is asking and take it the worst way. Your insults dont impress me. They only tell you arent really treating me as you would treat every other person. Youre squeezing the worstout of my posts and acting as if this is what i meant, then criticizing me in the form of insults.



and before you post an answer with a quote of mine calling chaos-something-something's (its ctc if im not mistaken) posts b******t, they are. unlike you, im trying to treat it with respect. unfortunately, i just cant treat HIM the way i treat you or other people because he doesnt make any sense.

 Apr 2, 2017

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