
Please help! Iḿ stuck! (thereś an image, please open)

 May 22, 2017
edited by ZZZZZZ  May 22, 2017

Best Answer 


Here I made a triangle where A is the first sighting, B is the light, and C is the second sighting.

The question is, what is the length of BC ?


On this first one, I just focused on the angles.


m∠BAC = 107º - 60º   =   47º

measure of the green angle = 180º - 107º   =   73º


Since the two vertical lines are parallel and line AC crosses them, we have two parallel lines cut by a transversal. So.. the two green angles are the same.


Now let's just look at the second triangle.

We can use law of sines to find BC.

\(\frac{1.5}{\sin 26}=\frac{BC}{\sin 47} \\~\\ \frac{1.5}{\sin 26}*\sin 47 =BC \\~\\ 2.503\text{ km} \approx BC\)

 May 23, 2017
Best Answer

Here I made a triangle where A is the first sighting, B is the light, and C is the second sighting.

The question is, what is the length of BC ?


On this first one, I just focused on the angles.


m∠BAC = 107º - 60º   =   47º

measure of the green angle = 180º - 107º   =   73º


Since the two vertical lines are parallel and line AC crosses them, we have two parallel lines cut by a transversal. So.. the two green angles are the same.


Now let's just look at the second triangle.

We can use law of sines to find BC.

\(\frac{1.5}{\sin 26}=\frac{BC}{\sin 47} \\~\\ \frac{1.5}{\sin 26}*\sin 47 =BC \\~\\ 2.503\text{ km} \approx BC\)

hectictar May 23, 2017


Very nice, hectictar.......!!!



cool cool cool

 May 23, 2017

thanks hectictar

 May 30, 2017

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