
A freight train from city A to city B and a passenger train from city B to city A left the cities at the same time, at 10:00 AM, heading towards each other. The distance between the cities is 360 miles. The freight train is travelling at 50 mph, the passenger train is travelling at 70 mph.

At what time will the trains pass each other?

 Mar 12, 2020

A freight train from city A to city B and a passenger train from city B to city A left the cities at the same time, at 10:00 AM, heading towards each other. The distance between the cities is 360 miles. The freight train is travelling at 50 mph, the passenger train is travelling at 70 mph.
At what time will the trains pass each other?


Ein Güterzug von Stadt A nach Stadt B und ein Personenzug von Stadt B nach Stadt A verließen die Städte gleichzeitig um 10:00 Uhr und fuhren aufeinander zu. Die Entfernung zwischen den Städten beträgt 360 Meilen. Der Güterzug fährt mit 50 mph, der Personenzug mit 70 mph.
Wann fahren die Züge aneinander vorbei?


\(v_{ft}\cdot t+v_{pt}\cdot t=s\\ t(v_{ft}+v_{pt})=s\\ t=s/(v_{ft}+v_{pt})\\ t=360ml/((50+70)mph)\)


\(10\ AM+3h=1\ PM\)


At 1:00 PM the trains pass each other.

laugh  !

 Mar 12, 2020
edited by asinus  Mar 12, 2020

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