
What happened to this website?

It used to be nothing but peace and friendship.

Now it is fights and arguments.

You used to be able to tell a joke and people would say lol or that is funny or respond with a joke.

Now you tell a joke and no one will respond or they will say please tell only math questions or say math questions only please or they might not say please they might only say only math questions on here.

Once again what happened?

I used to like this website alot more. (that is for sure)

Two people have done wrong to me on this website for them being innapropriate and me correcting them

and it would be nice if they apologized.

yes I did do wrong back to them so I am publicly apologizing so sorry.

I am not going to say the names for reasoning of hoping they do it out of respect not guilt or embarrassment.

Please do the right thing you two please dont flag this or delete it to the public thanks for reading.

 Jan 23, 2017

Now we seldom tell jokes here......


Normal users always says 'Math question please' unless it is a math joke question.


Now only a little part of normal users like GingerAle and Nauseated(not seen recently) and the 2 mods: Melody and CPhill may tell math jokes.......


BTW I am kinda new. I registered on April 2016.

 Jan 23, 2017

3 Online Users
