
What is the longest stick that can be placed inside a box with inside dimensions of 24 inches, 30 inches, and 18 inches

 Apr 19, 2015

Best Answer 


The Pythagorean Theorem for two dimensions is:  c2  =  a2 + b2.

There is a three-dimensional Pythagorean Theorem:  d2  =  a2 + b+ c2.

Let a = 24, b = 30, and c + 18 ---  and finish ...

 Apr 20, 2015
Best Answer

The Pythagorean Theorem for two dimensions is:  c2  =  a2 + b2.

There is a three-dimensional Pythagorean Theorem:  d2  =  a2 + b+ c2.

Let a = 24, b = 30, and c + 18 ---  and finish ...

geno3141 Apr 20, 2015

A 25 foot ladder is placed against a building. The bottom of the ladder is 7 feet from the building. If the top of the ladder slips down 4 feet, how many feet will the bottom slide out?

 Dec 29, 2016

Hi Guest,

You have put your question on the end of an ancient post (april 2015)


I can see thast CPhill is answering it for you but often it would go un-noticed.


You need to post a new question on a new thread and then it is usually answered quite quickly :)

Melody  Dec 29, 2016

A 25 foot ladder is placed against a building. The bottom of the ladder is 7 feet from the building. If the top of the ladder slips down 4 feet, how many feet will the bottom slide out?


In the first instance, the ladder's height up the wall =


√ [25^2 −  7^2]  = √ [625 −  49]  = √ 576   =  24 ft


If it slips down 4 ft....the bottom  will be


√ [25^2 −  20^2]  = √ [625 −  400]  = √ 225   =  15 ft     from the wall


So....he bottom slides out  15 −  7   = 8 ft




cool cool cool

 Dec 29, 2016

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