

What is the radius of the circle?


A) (2, 3)

B) 8

C) 4

D) 2

E) 1




If each mark represents one unit, which number does A represent?

A) 5

B) 6

C) 7

D) 8

E) 9



If it is raining, Jenna will not go to the pool.

If Jenna does not go to the pool, she will go shopping.

It is raining.


 Assume the statements are valid.


What valid conclusion can be made?

A) Jenna will go shopping.

B) Jenna will go to the pool.

C) Jenna will not go shopping.

D) The pool will be closed for the day.

E) Jenna will buy a new pair of jeans.

 Oct 19, 2019

Best Answer 


#1, first let's know what a radius is ,

it is half of a diameter (Diameter is from one endpoint of a circle to another (Horizontal or vertical line in the middle) All radiuses of one circle are equal distant from every point on a circle 

So we can say that the radius of this circle is from the middle point ( 2,3) to (3,3) so to find the radius, 3-2=1 (Radius) E is the correct



Well it starts with 0 on the far left , just count every mark till you reach A which will be 7 (C)



Because it rained and if it rained it said jenna doesn't go to the pool, she will go shoping and A says jenna will go shopping. 

 Oct 19, 2019
Best Answer

#1, first let's know what a radius is ,

it is half of a diameter (Diameter is from one endpoint of a circle to another (Horizontal or vertical line in the middle) All radiuses of one circle are equal distant from every point on a circle 

So we can say that the radius of this circle is from the middle point ( 2,3) to (3,3) so to find the radius, 3-2=1 (Radius) E is the correct



Well it starts with 0 on the far left , just count every mark till you reach A which will be 7 (C)



Because it rained and if it rained it said jenna doesn't go to the pool, she will go shoping and A says jenna will go shopping. 

Guest Oct 19, 2019

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