What is The Sqaure Root of 1? Im 40 And This Question is Really Hard To Solve!
$${{\mathtt{1}}}^{{\mathtt{2}}} = {\mathtt{1}}$$
$${\sqrt{{\mathtt{1}}}} = {\mathtt{1}}$$
I have something for you to think about MG
$so would it be correct to say that$\\
what \;is\;\; -1^2\;\;\;?$$
I hate these mind boggling questions with negatives but i will see.
-1^2 would = -1
Its the same as one just negative
but 1 itself is a positve and sqrt(1) =1
But why is
$$\\-1^2=-1 \;\;when\;\; -1*-1=+1\qquad $maybe you didn't know that?$$$
They are the same question...?
But when put differently they give different answers...
I'm puzzled.
Lol i asked my brother he said it's +1. He said just to put it as -1*-1
Negative number are hard the square / cube as they change from negative to positive
like -2^3 = -8
But i dont know why the calc would analyse it like that and answer it as -1
ok I am just trying to trick you and to make you think
now i will tell you properly.
$$-3^2 = -3*3=-9$$ you can think of it like $$-3^2=-1*3^2 = -1*9 = -9$$
$$\\\sqrt{9}\ne -3\\\\
$By convention the square root answer has to be positive$$$.