
What's the lowest temperature of these three:   - 40ºF,    233.16K    or   - 40ºC ?

 Jun 12, 2015

Best Answer 


I was just one second from posting this when Alan’s post pop up. So I think about it more before I post it.

I decided to post it because it not have to do with the question or answer but an attitude that seem strange to me. I make only one change in the parentheses part. Then I ask Alan questions in the next post.


You know Civonamzuk I not really care if you give me points or not. The points are not whats important on here. What is important is the knowledge and instruction on here. I finally learn enough to start answering questions after eight or nine months of learning. This place is a goldmine and I like to help and be a part of it.


You say DB can share his points. OK that is funny. He give me one and a mod give me three. I don’t which one. (Now I know it wasn’t Alan). And what is really interesting and funny is the same mod take 3 off you for being a smart butt. They hardly ever do that. Hahahaha

I guess because that make you mad you take 5 off mine and the check mark the mod give me and give yourself points on each of your posts. I don’t care about the points but I did like the check mark.


That is just petty. I thought you were in college or at least high school 12 grade. Maybe you are but part of you never grow up!


You have a picture of Tesla as your avatar. Tesla was a genius and some think he was crazy. Maybe he was but I bet he was not PETTY!

 Jun 13, 2015

-40ºF and -40ºC are the same.

Converting Kelvin to celsius would be k-273, in which k is temperature in kelvin.


233.16K is the lowest temperature.

 Jun 12, 2015

@DarkBlaze:/ You're half right;   - 40ºF = - 40ºC , but  273.16K  is slightly higher  (+ 0.01) then these two.  


 Jun 12, 2015
edited by civonamzuk  Aug 4, 2017

It true that DarkBlaze’s answer is not right. Civonamzuk is not right either.


The way this is written the temperatures are the same. Civonamzuk ask to compare - 40ºF, 233.16K , and - 40ºC and only the Kelvin temperature have decimal places in the question so if the temperature is within a half degree of C or F then it is considered the same temperature. The temperature would have to be written as -40.00F and -40.00C for it to matter about this small difference.


Civonamzuk you say it worth 2.5 pluses but you not even give one point to DarkBlaze.

 Jun 12, 2015


 Jun 13, 2015

I don't agree with Dragonlance here; I agree with civonamzuk's original reply.  I see no reason (in science or mathematics) to assume that temperatures within half a degree of each other should be considered the same in general!


 Jun 13, 2015
Best Answer

I was just one second from posting this when Alan’s post pop up. So I think about it more before I post it.

I decided to post it because it not have to do with the question or answer but an attitude that seem strange to me. I make only one change in the parentheses part. Then I ask Alan questions in the next post.


You know Civonamzuk I not really care if you give me points or not. The points are not whats important on here. What is important is the knowledge and instruction on here. I finally learn enough to start answering questions after eight or nine months of learning. This place is a goldmine and I like to help and be a part of it.


You say DB can share his points. OK that is funny. He give me one and a mod give me three. I don’t which one. (Now I know it wasn’t Alan). And what is really interesting and funny is the same mod take 3 off you for being a smart butt. They hardly ever do that. Hahahaha

I guess because that make you mad you take 5 off mine and the check mark the mod give me and give yourself points on each of your posts. I don’t care about the points but I did like the check mark.


That is just petty. I thought you were in college or at least high school 12 grade. Maybe you are but part of you never grow up!


You have a picture of Tesla as your avatar. Tesla was a genius and some think he was crazy. Maybe he was but I bet he was not PETTY!

Dragonlance Jun 13, 2015

Mr. Alan how are we supposed to know what is important?

If a question say to divide by pi how many decimal places should we use? If a science experiment say to measure the temperature how many decimal places should we use if it do not tell us?


If the question give two decimal places for F and C then I know it is important. Ok maybe a half degree is important because 1.0C =1.8F so maybe a tenth of a degree is important here even though it not have the decimal in the question part. But a hundredth of a degree? Where do we stop? When do we have enough. How do we know that is important?


Mr. Alan just in case I sound like it I am not trying to be a smart butt to you. I learn a lot of things from you every week.  I start real school with real teachers in two weeks. No more home school with moms and a dad who only know how to change diapers and tie shoes. I want to do good in school. 

 Jun 13, 2015


In real life there might well be occasions when it is ok to assume there is no effective difference between temperatures that are only half a degree apart.  However, there was no indication in civonamzuk's question that this was the case here. The fact that he quoted a temperature to 2 decimal places suggested that the decimal places were significant.  Taken with the fact that 0°C is 273.15K, then 233.16K is (very slightly) higher than the other two temperatures.  (273.16K is an important temperature in science - it is the temperature of the triple point of water - that is where water, steam and ice exist in equilibrium with each other).


I'm pleased to hear you want to do well in school.  I wish you all the best.


 Jun 13, 2015

Thank you Alan.


I didn’t know that ice and steam could exist together in the same place. That temperature is so cold I didn’t think there could be steam at all.

If someone other than you said that, I would think they were making a joke.


I now have that on my look up and study list.

 Jun 13, 2015

It's no joke! However, I should have written the triple point, not the critical point!  The temperature is not too low, it's very close to 0°C; but the pressure is very low, namely, 6.1173 millibars (for comparison, atmospheric pressure is around 1000 millibars).


 Jun 13, 2015

So this happens just above freezing 0°C and not near -40°C  or 233.16K?


It still amazing to me that steam and ice can exist at the same time in the same place.


Thankyou Alan. I put triple point on my look up list. I also look on youtube to see if someone show that experiment I would really like to see that.

 Jun 13, 2015

OK I find a video of water at triple point but it not very good. There is another video "Tert-Butyl Alchol Boils and Freezes at the same time." I guess that is supposed to be alcohol.

It's not water but it give the idea of what happens at the triple point. It is really cool.


It seem like the boiling take all the heat out of the liquid then it freezes over.

 Jun 13, 2015

Here's a 10 minute video that shows the triple point:  http://www.npl.co.uk/publications/videos/triple-point-cells-part-one 


 Jun 13, 2015

@Dragonlance:/  I've deleted my 2nd post because of its "offensivenes". I suggest you do the same. I'm willing to take everything back what I wrote EXCEPT the fact that the temperature of 233.16K is higher then -40C or -40F! Even the "part of me that never grew up" wouldn't let it happen. 

I agree with you in respect of Nikola Tesla. He undoubtedly was a genius. The most of humanity benefit from his achievements. Nevertheless, his name is almost forgotten. Tesla was not crazy, he was just an eccentric.    (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98QwPO1b5j4)

 Jun 13, 2015

i didnt forget his name, but only becuz i play clash of clans and theres a defense named the Hidden Tesla

i then looked hidden tesla up and came across Nikola Tesla

then i read it on wikipedia

he seems surely a genius, since he was involve in lots of engineering, future stuff, physicist, electricity

i especially like his idea of wireless lighting, wireless communication, and electrical supply (just like him, i hate wires, maybe one day there will be wireless charging stations for iphones and i wont need my charger anymore, and thats a reason why i like xbox over playstation, i can just change the batteries, i dont have to connect it to the wire charger)

 Jun 18, 2015

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