
a linear function h models a relationship in which the dependent variable increases 1 unit for every 5 units the independent variable decreases. the value of the function at 0 is 3

 Oct 25, 2019

a linear function h models a relationship in which the dependent variable increases 1 unit for every 5 units the independent variable decreases. the value of the function at 0 is 3


Eine lineare Funktion h modelliert eine Beziehung, in der die abhängige Variable um 1 Einheit pro 5 Einheiten abnimmt. Der Wert der Funktion bei 0 ist 3.


Hello Guest!


\(\large h(x)=-\frac{1}{5}x+3\)

laugh  !

 Oct 25, 2019
edited by asinus  Oct 25, 2019
edited by asinus  Oct 25, 2019
edited by asinus  Oct 25, 2019

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