please stop. It's very annoying to just post about random things. Just look at the sticky topics.
Elijah, this excerpt offers a basic answer to your question.
The Calculator
Some of the history about the calculator comes from Lancelot Link, who watched and documented the development of web2.0calc’s calculator; as he describes it: “...from embryonic abacus to fetal slide-rule, to baby computational engine calculator, and beyond.” “The calculator could offer atomic precision at light-year distances. ...The baby calculator could literally subtend the angle of an electron at a distance of 10^9 light-years.” If a calculator can to this, then there are always math geeks and wantabes who will test the limits of the calculator. This is no longer the case. The calculator was neutered years ago to lighten server demand and accommodate more simultaneous users. The development of this computational engine is based on Javascript also known as “web2” Hence the name, “web2.0calc”. Prior to this, direct interaction with a complex applet, such as a calculator, required the use of a Java Console to access the side channels of data, else the whole page would have to be regenerated, which included the static data.
Here’s the source: (Again, note that this post is a response to one YOUR posts.)
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