
A grocer mixes together some cashews costing $8 per kilogram with some Brazil nuts costing $10 per kilogram. The grocer sold 12 kilograms of the mixture for $8.50 per kilogram. How many kilograms of cashews were in the mixture in the grocer sold?

 Feb 23, 2017

Let the kilograms of cashews  = x

Then...the kilograms of Brazil nuts = 12 -x


And we have that.......


Quantity of kilos of cashews * price per kilogram + quantity of kilos of Brazil nuts * price per kilogram =  12 kilo mixture at 8.50 per kilogram


x * 8 + (12 - x) * 10 =  12 * 8.50 simplify


8x + 120 - 10x  =  102


-2x + 120  = 102    subtract 120 from each side


-2x  = -18    divide both sides by -2


x  = 9  kilos of cashews



cool cool cool

 Feb 23, 2017

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