Here is some hints. This pic is from a few years ago. She is well known on here and she is very smart.
It’s either Hectictar or Gingerale. They are the only two chicks on here who are well known and smart.
It's not me...but....are you sure that whoever it is, is cool with you posting that picture?
If it were me, I would not be cool with it.
How do we know your not her? If you werent cool with it then you would deny it. I don’t know why though because you are really beautiful. If I make an account on here will you talk to me?
I swear I wont be rude.
Someone is teasing you, Hectictar. He seems good at it too. I suppose you know that.
Guest, you should make the account and message her. Then she can privately tell you to take a long walk off a short pier. Hectictar is much too polite to tell you that publicly. If you decide to send a message to Ginger, she won’t tell you, she will just kick you off the pier. In either case, you will need to be much more than not rude. That’s for sure. Not believing her, when she says it’s not her, isn’t a good start. It is, however, very funny.
The Irish chick in the photo looks about 20 years-old. GingerAle is Irish, I’m blôôdy sure that’s not blarney. She is older than 20, but the age fits, by subtracting “the few years ago” years.
I asked Ginger for her photograph. She was happy to share two. The first one fit her personification. The second is antithetical to how I perceive her and to the photo presented here. I about turned to stone when I saw it. In short, neither of the photos look like the one posted here. Thank God!
Normally, you should ask this the other way around. If you see someone who is pretty then you instantly know that. The measure of intelligence is much more complex. Compare how long it took you to determine she is pretty, to how long it took to determine the intelligence of GingerAle and Hectictar. That assumes you have the capacity to recognize intelligence. If you are an idiot, then someone who is slightly less an idiot than you would look smart.
It would seem to be a universal truth, then, that while “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” intelligence is in the minds of the beholder and beheld.
It’s easy to see how someone might think I’m the subject of that photograph. I posted my photo on here years ago. Despite my nifty hat covering my beautiful head, anyone can see the amazing resemblance by comparing the two.