

I think (a) is \(1 \le x <2\)

(b) is \(3 \le x <4\)

and (c) is \(5 \le x <6,\) but I'm not sure. 

Also I still need help on (d). 


--------------Thanks! laughcheekycool


I also think this question is too easy and I'm doing something wrong...

Edit: Yes all my thoughts for the answers are all wrong since I didn't see the extra x multiplying the first floor function. I'll try to work on (a), (b) and (c) but will probably still need help. 

Edit Edit: After furthur examination my answers for a-c might actually be right. 

Edit Edit Edit: I got answers for a-c (a was right and b-c were wrong but I got the right answers) I'm working on (d)

Edit Edit Edit Edit: I got the question no help needed laugh

 Jun 12, 2020
edited by madyl  Jun 12, 2020
edited by madyl  Jun 12, 2020
edited by madyl  Jun 12, 2020
edited by madyl  Jun 12, 2020
edited by madyl  Jun 12, 2020

if u don't need help then just "delete" the question

since u can't exactly delete it just edit it then write "deleted" so people won't waste their time clicking on the question

 Jun 13, 2020
edited by amazingxin777  Jun 14, 2020

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