
What is the difference bewteen linear and not linear?

 Jun 15, 2019
edited by NoobGuest  Jun 15, 2019
edited by NoobGuest  Jun 15, 2019

The definition of linear is soemthing that is represented as a straight line or has a constant rate of change 



Let's say you were at a gas station and 1 gallon of fuel is 5 dollars well and you made a graph about it and marked the gallon's bought x and the dollars spent y everytime you filled your tank up with a gallon of fuel you would lose five dollars. It would look something like this. 


1 gallon loss of 5 dollars 

2 gallons loss of 10 dollars  

3 gallons loss of 15 dollars 

4 gallons loss of 20 dollars.




Non-linear means to ahve not a costnet rate of change as in let's take driving to another state every hour you spend will not equal the same aount of miles as the previous because you may have to stop at traffc lights use the restroom and eat so it woul look something liek this 



1 hour 55 miles

2 hour 70 

3 hour 30 

4 hour 66

 Jun 15, 2019
edited by HiylinLink  Jun 15, 2019

So like when graphed, a parabola and a line? or something...?

NoobGuest  Jun 15, 2019

No, IDK what a paraboal is but linear is a constant rate of chage 


If the information of something were graphed it would come out as a perfectly straight line in any given direction

HiylinLink  Jun 15, 2019
edited by HiylinLink  Jun 15, 2019

A parabola is like a quadratic graphed.......

NoobGuest  Jun 16, 2019

Can you understand that?

NoobGuest  Jun 16, 2019

linear relationships graph as lines.

Non linear relationships don't.

 Jun 16, 2019

ok much better.... thx melody and others

NoobGuest  Jun 16, 2019

linear is a straight line in can relate to graphs.


Non linear dont work with Graphs



 Jun 16, 2019

Yes they do Nickolas, non linear just do not graph as lines, they graph as other things. Like curves that are not straight!

Melody  Jun 17, 2019

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