
User luckyace has been harassing me (and many others i believe) on this forumn. He is spamming message with hatefull messages and this must be called to attention. 

This is a math help forumn and not a place for users to harrass people. Luckyace you are drawing very negative attention to yourself.  

 Apr 9, 2019

thank you. LA keeps telling me to send him Nu*des unfortunatly. 

 Apr 9, 2019

This has happened he sent something to me about nudes and satan....

 Apr 9, 2019

same. I said leave me alone and he said "NO"  and sent it again... and again.....

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

If luckyace keeps up someone will need to do something about him.

I mean Nu*des really dude you've gone too far with this.

 Apr 9, 2019

This guy is a pain in the buttox. He keeps spamming messages to me and asking for nudes. When i told him i didnt even know him he said he knew me and wouldnt give me names this guy needs to be banned asap.

 Apr 9, 2019

same. I told him "then tell me who you are. And tell me some names of people I know" He ignored me after that.

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

I've had it with him he's gone too far WAY WAY WAY TOO FAR!¡!¡!¡

 Apr 9, 2019

he was answering then he left. We caught him

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

Note that.....if you scroll down on a LuckyAce message you receive......you will see a "Block" Tab


This will prevent getting any more messages from this m***n......





cool cool cool

 Apr 9, 2019

thanks CPhill. He just stopped talking to me. laugh

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

I'm a boy my self but I'm not going to message every girl asking for Nu*des and repeating the same thing it's wrong to do that to any girl. He is not a gentleman😤😠😡👎👎👎. He's cold-hearted😰😰😰😰😰.

 Apr 9, 2019

I'm a non-binary person and I took serious offense to of what he said...

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

Ok i should be nicer to ladies hold on a sec i need to go apologize to iluvpuppies mum for violating her with mah d

Guest Apr 9, 2019
edited by Guest  Apr 9, 2019

im not a female!

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

Ok maam. Tell ur mum i said hi

Guest Apr 9, 2019

Please calm down it isn't that serious. He is just another troll, it doesnt matter and it won't matter in a week from now.

EmeraldWonder  Apr 9, 2019

ILP there is no such thing as non-binary there is only one gender to a person..... anfd it can not be denied...

HiylinLink  Apr 9, 2019

DUDE im not female! I'm non-binary... How much do I have to tell you.

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

sorry. I'm still non-binary thats my buisness.

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

You must have Gender Disforia, its a psychological gender disorder. There is only Female and Male. Only two genders.

EmeraldWonder  Apr 9, 2019

What EW said seriesly ILP I really can't beilive you beilive that you can't be two you can't be what ever the heck you want its your bussiness yes but in every moral person it is wrong...

HiylinLink  Apr 9, 2019

sorry... I just believe there is more then two genders just being honest. 

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

Well you shouldnt believe delusions. The reality is that there are two genders and no more.

EmeraldWonder  Apr 9, 2019

leave the thing alone no a-fense but if someone does not want t to be boy or girl they don't have to the world is a free place to be what you want and people should not be JUDGED for being NON-BINARY OKAY. Leave It ALONE

travisio  Apr 9, 2019

We get it and no the world is not 100% a free place dude but non - binary in mine and EW's case is wrong.... and is a dislosion.

HiylinLink  Apr 9, 2019

I understand but people can be what they want and they should not be judged for it.

travisio  Apr 9, 2019

Personally people can be what they want like career path no people can not just switch genders just because its a feeling You are raised diffrently and don't understand the concepts on how imoral it is to a lot of people.....

HiylinLink  Apr 9, 2019

This is exactly why the truth is the truth. You just referd to her as an "it". She is a person not a thing. Not a "it" or object. This is why the gender thing is getting out of hand. She is female not anything else. I am only stating the truth that there are two genders. But please keep feeding into her delusions. Its a real psychological disorder, look it up. It doesnt need to be glorified. These people need to be helped. The truth is that she is biologically female. If you say you are some made up gender than I can be 5 years old. If you make up a gender than I will make up my age. See how idiotic that sounds? Feed into her delusions, go ahead.

EmeraldWonder  Apr 9, 2019
edited by EmeraldWonder  Apr 9, 2019

Very much an Amen to that.....

HiylinLink  Apr 9, 2019

He is the same person as iamjeff

 Apr 9, 2019

Pipe down kabob you knowo thats not true....

HiylinLink  Apr 9, 2019

It is i know him irl. Were at math class rn. 

CaptainKebab  Apr 9, 2019

Nobody cares if u know him IRL.

If you are so bored playing minecraft all day u can go be on a different website.

By the way, The person who sent this message is not IAmJeff.

just stop hating.


Keep hating, and keep lying. Nobody will stop u from being untrustworthy

Guest Apr 9, 2019
edited by Guest  Apr 9, 2019

shut up noah ur jsut salty and i am not lying cause u verified what i said lol dumb

CaptainKebab  Apr 9, 2019

This really needs to be canned guest I don't know your past guest so I will not critic on your beef with him but kabobs you need to straighten out your act the more you discriminate people the less likly chance people will want to help you. Also you need to be a leader not just some chip off the block kid how does nothing better but make people look bad. On this site people will start seeing who you really are eventualy if this pick's up.

HiylinLink  Apr 10, 2019
edited by HiylinLink  Apr 10, 2019

Cphill your admin. Shut  down his acc or something. 

 Apr 9, 2019

Not an admin...just a mod.....don't have the power to ban anyone....sorry  !!!!


cool cool cool

CPhill  Apr 9, 2019

what can we do just ignore Lucky and he'll leave

ilovepuppies1880  Apr 9, 2019

Good plan, ILP!!!!!



cool cool  cool

CPhill  Apr 9, 2019

Wait who sent your so bored playing Minecraft because I swear Kabob this is the real Noah by the way

that I did not send this

 Apr 10, 2019

1 Online Users
