Hi and good morning everyone! For those who are freezing in FLORIDA right now, wear the heavist clothes ya got. This is what I plan on doing today!
-More school
-Watching my teammates play softball against pkant city
Don't complain to much esmy I grew up in buffalo were it was negatives in the winter.
Ugh you love to talk about your past.. Well you dont know what its like during summer when its 104 degrees.
yup i grew up in Port Byron. It's freezing in winter. This morning it was 13 degrees at 6:30 AM when i got on the bus.
Im just saying when it gets real hot here, its unbarable. You can get a heat stroke just like you can get frostbite where you guys are from.
Yes then you use sunsreen the spray one a baseball cap and water. I got frost bit once it was really painful
It's not to bad if you grew up here all your life. After awhile your just like ok this isn't going to end might aswell deal with it. But when it does end your like fall come back please. SO its a never ending cycle of complaining lol.
No but your hands burn like insanly and you want to cry when you have t heat them up because it hurts like really bad.
Mmhhhm.. Never had frost bite but ever almost passed out becuase of heat. Its not pleasent. Especially if you have gym the same day. Oooohhhhh you could die out there.
haha i don't have to deal with that but once i went camping during it was a heat wave for a week and was 100 degrees or above each day you could find me in a pool or some sort of ac building it was too hot! the highest it usually gets up to is 90 degrees.
meh i know how ya feel its too cold in florida for me to care (thank god for my heavy jacket)
i mean im used to the cold but MAN when you just walk out side and you get hit by cold air, you would rather just say nope and walk right back in
Trust I have done way to many live on the edge things especially with Ice it wasn't fun but yet at the same time was once in a life time experience and was kind of cool after the thriil I also lost my dog in a 17 acers of woods.
Stop talking about your life experiences. Your not indiana jones. This is just a post you were going to leave because points were going to be taken away. Its not like your falling off a cliff you can always regain your points. I say as someone that has been in the negative.
Oh be quiet EWat laeat my experiences I attempted a good adventure. unlike some people.
Oh dont test me HL you love to tease me. Im sure I have been in awesome adventures like you but, I dont go around telling my stories I save those for when I am old.
Yes and life adventures ned to be shared from the start or no one will beilieve you.
Noooo Link dont test Me. Ilovepuppies you can talk about whatever you want I just dont want to hear HL
EW really so where are your life adventures ever tried going into the woods at night oh wait you can't gators I did with a slingshot before
Yes now explain who was mor annoying I barely even now you explain and elaborate yourself.
Hola every morning oooohhhhhhh. XD walking at night is dangerous for anyone especially the gators. And I agree with ilovepuppies, shes right
Yeah go toalk to your spanish buddy well it was like three days in a row She dosen't even now me I'm that annoying pinky? really? I guess my presentation wrorks and advising you was no help and DBA prep?
Omg now you are going to put your personal life out there. XD you help me dont think you dont. You latin can get annoying, only sometimes. Thats all