Above, there is the original expession. To evaluate this, we must have common denominators. To do this, we must multiply the numerator and the denominator. If you multiply 3 by 2 and 2 by 3, then you will have a common denominator:
Notice how I am not actually changing the value of the fraction. I'm multiplying both fractions by 1, so I am not changing the value of the fraction, just the way the number is represented:
Above, there is the original expession. To evaluate this, we must have common denominators. To do this, we must multiply the numerator and the denominator. If you multiply 3 by 2 and 2 by 3, then you will have a common denominator:
Notice how I am not actually changing the value of the fraction. I'm multiplying both fractions by 1, so I am not changing the value of the fraction, just the way the number is represented: