
What if we replace the zero OR the number One to Pi OR Phi as new group of numbers, using the same form of the classical numbers but with a different value and understanding, and useing the zero only for repersent the the numbers above the 9(pi/phi), {10,20,...100,200..}? For example, 1=pi and -1= -pi or 1=Phi and -1=Phi or maybe the real zero could be 0=pi OR phi.



 Sep 6, 2015
edited by Guest  Sep 6, 2015

Best Answer 


I guess I see why you expect that. It's because there are so many aliens from outer space that come on this forum to give ideas better than any human. They have 16 fingers so they think in hexadecimal.


Maybe you should stop using whatever is messing up your brain. I smoke pot a couple of times because some told me it would open my mind. They were right. It open my mind to stupid and dumb. I have a recording on my phone of my brilliant ideas I told to the hogs while I was slopping them. One of the hogs told me to shut up and just feed them.  I listen to it sometimes to remind me my ideas were way better when I was in kindergarten than now if I am stoned.  Even the hogs know that and I figure It out too..


Anyway if you want to know about zero then ask CPhill. He been searching for the Roman zero for a long time. One day he probably find it too. Even if he not know where it is he do know where it is not.

 Sep 6, 2015

I'm sorry I don't understand your question! But it sounds to me that you are talking about the "binary system" Do you know that computers use only(0 and 1) to do all the calculations inside the computer, and it converts all  those 0's and 1's into the decimal numbers that we know and use everyday(1,2,3,4,5.....etc).

 Sep 6, 2015

Well, my problem is Zero, why we deal with nothing to understing a big world full of nonstoping Energy and Moving? How can we use our nothing (Zero) to make a new mathematical numbers (1,2,3,4,5....) that dosen't have it, to understand it (nothing), where 1 doesn't =1.. with no absoult Zero?!

 Sep 6, 2015

I think you are itching to go to univesity & study computer science. If you don't already know, computers already use a number of systems for calculations, such as binary, base 8 system(octal), base 16(hexadecimal).....etc. In theory, any base can be used, but we invented the decimal system(base 10), probably because we have 10 fingers on our hands.

 Sep 6, 2015

Nevermind, I thought I will get some answers that beyond the limits of man innovations, and his fingers! Again, my question revolves around zero.

 Sep 6, 2015
edited by Guest  Sep 6, 2015
Best Answer

I guess I see why you expect that. It's because there are so many aliens from outer space that come on this forum to give ideas better than any human. They have 16 fingers so they think in hexadecimal.


Maybe you should stop using whatever is messing up your brain. I smoke pot a couple of times because some told me it would open my mind. They were right. It open my mind to stupid and dumb. I have a recording on my phone of my brilliant ideas I told to the hogs while I was slopping them. One of the hogs told me to shut up and just feed them.  I listen to it sometimes to remind me my ideas were way better when I was in kindergarten than now if I am stoned.  Even the hogs know that and I figure It out too..


Anyway if you want to know about zero then ask CPhill. He been searching for the Roman zero for a long time. One day he probably find it too. Even if he not know where it is he do know where it is not.

Dragonlance Sep 6, 2015

Dragonlance, thank you for your participation and tell us your amazing life story! But unlike you, I seek knowledge not science fiction.

Simply, I couldn't understand the vaule of 0, how's nothing represent anything?




(?) = Question mark.

 Sep 6, 2015
edited by Guest  Sep 6, 2015

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