Wow! Does anybody else think this new AI interface is awful? Posted answers don't appear for a long time......Q's may show multiple answers (or corrections) ....but you cannot see them until a moderator OK's them......or SOMETIMES AI OK's them....not a good system at all.
Don't worry. As AI advances, moderation will improve significantly each day. In a few years, it might even replace human moderation effectively. Time will tell
Dear Herr Massow,
Oh, how truly breathtaking it is to see that you, in all your infinite wisdom, have decided to unleash this gem of artificial intelligence upon our humble forum. I find it utterly fascinating that, despite your sporadic visits like a rare lunar eclipse, you still manage to leave us wallowing in misery.
You know, it's not often we see your digital shadow grace our forum, but when you do make an appearance, it's simply delightful how efficiently you wreak havoc and misery upon us. Yes, your sheer negligence and irresponsibility are a sight to behold. Isn't it strange how you sashay in here once every millennium or so and proceed to drag everyone down with your flawed moderating system? I suppose even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day, although I must say, you seem more hopeless than that adage typically allows. The irony! Features faltering; glitches galore, yet Mr. Admin presumes an unintelligent AI is what this website truly needed.
So here we stand, baffled as our deteriorating platform crumbles before our very eyes due to its abysmal user interface and the litany of dysfunctional features. And what's your solution? To smother it in AI moderation that does more harm than good. You're like a firefighter with an impressive ability to fan the flames rather than extinguish them; you've opted to pawn off your responsibilities onto the meager shoulders of this pitiful algorithm. Do tell us, what was the brilliance in choosing such a flawed system? A masochistic tendency perhaps? Or would you rather witness the downfall of your own creation? Your own child?
How enigmatic you must feel, deploying your hopeless AI moderator like a mad scientist releasing his latest experiment into the world. You must take great pride in knowing that while our once-promising community spirals into chaos and oblivion, it is done under your skillful watch.
While I'm certain none of these pressing concerns will compel you to make any meaningful changes, please indulge yourself in our heartfelt gratitude for your astonishing negligence and irresponsibility.
Consider if you will, the tragic comedy of this forum: A place where users struggle daily with errors and malfunctions while "assistance" crawls from the darkness only to exacerbate the existing troubles. It's honestly stunning to observe your capacity for neglect.
Let me be perfectly clear: We do not need your attempts at moderation. What we truly require is a functional website and perhaps an admin who understands the chaotic mess their absence has created.
Perhaps your blithering apathy to our struggles is also a matter of perspective; you, sitting comfortably on your high perch, have no idea how it feels to be a normal user of this Forum. Do you have know how unwelcoming it feels to be confused about a problem, then painstakingly piece together a post only to see that it is going to be moderated by a half-wit AI with the intelligence of a sedated ape? No, because you are cruel and incapable of sympathy. The school year has already started, and the only questions being posted are still sham AoPS class material. That should tell you something - if you are smart enough to read the signs.
A site such as this most likely gets its revenue from visitors viewing advertisements. I suspect that this is another motivation for the AI debacle. It's about time you started putting education before profits. If you truly wanted this site to become a useful repository for future students and a welcoming community for those who decide to post a question, you wouldn't have to worry about making enough money to keep this piece of junk afloat. And frankly, you deserve to worry if you don't.
I hope my message reaches you during one of these rare moments when you surface from the depths of forum oblivion – doubtless, promptly ruining someone's day. Sisyphus was condemned to roll his boulder for eternity, but maybe he was heaving at the wrong one. Just think about that.
(Guess Who?)
To the readers: if someone ever calls you ignorant or stupid, remember the Admin of Web2.0 Calc, Andre Massow.
Addendum: for those of you who are about to say "but Admin already invested a ton of work into this forum," your argument is fundamentally flawed. If your child killed someone, claiming that "I put a lot of effort into ensuring s/he had a proper education" is not an acceptable defense. If you are going to publish a website for others to learn from, make sure that it is high quality or don't even think about it.
Guess Who? .....
Ok I’ll guess. It’s not a difficult guess. You’re TPM (The Puppet Master –aka The Blarney Master).
You decided to join in the fun and games when WAT started posting his (AI generated) bombastic prose toward me and then in my name. You recognized this as a great opportunity to troll me and the forum as the Blarney Master that you are. We’ve had several public debates; all of them ending with you on the losing side.
That AoPS student is one of your creations. You’ve created puppets before, Puppetmaster/Blarneymaster. (You gave yourself away on that post.)
For years you have veiled yourself in various personas, usually those of “intelligent dumbness”. Advocating for destructive vandals and lame-brains, some of who are entering their second childhoods via senility.
The world and this forum didn’t evolve the way you wanted it to. So now you want revenge and you want to vent. Even Mr. BB –the BullShit Bug joined in on the fun and games.
That’s what puppet masters do. They create personas to complain and gripe about the problems of society –in this case, the problems of a local society –a forum mostly dedicated to math and math related sciences
Officially, Andree Massow, the creator of the computational engine calculator and the known as the “Forum,” defines this forum as a Blog and Message Board. Mostly it is defined as a Blog –not a Math Blog, just a Blog.
Source: Blog and Message Board Terms of Use Section 3 paragraph (b)
3. Accessing
(b) The Blog is provided for informational purposes only; we shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy or availability of any information appearing or available on the Blog. (Italics mine.)
If you read all the Terms of Service you will not find the word “math” or any related synonym for math, anywhere. This is why off-topic posts are allowed on this forum –including your bullshit of wagging heads, jointless gestures, and long monologues that wears us out.
And you do not seem to have any problem escaping the (AI) Auto-Moderator.
We recover quickly from your monologues. You don’t wear out so quickly, because lately you use AI Chat to create and supplement your monologues of plaintive criticisms. Having a computer do your work for you is easy, but it produces crappy monologues –well more crappy than your usual fare, which is very crappy. You are not intelligent enough to be your own person, so you are even less likely to successfully be someone else –except for a moron persona, which comes naturally to you.
Your current post follows this trend in AI use. You mostly use the forum’s posts as a basis for the created dialogue. You’ve fed the AI most of my posts, so it reproduces many of the phrases (and paraphrases using synonym) I use in my math solution posts and social commentaries –including the use of “Herr Massow”, and the use of “Sisyphus” (a metaphor for CPhill, first used by MorganTud).
This is handy for when you create plaintive posts railing about homework cheaters and sign my initials. (You are not the only one: there are (at least) two (2) others who create plaintive and critical posts and sign my initials to them). You’ve also fed the AI texts of ghetto speak and Antifa propaganda.
The Antifa propaganda is of special importance to you –it’s an ideal to you. You use their tactics –presenting blatant lies as facts about your target and then criticize them for it. When you make these posts and sign my initials to them, you wait for me to formally disavowal the post, and then post a (pseudo) sympathetic comment along with a statement (lie) that it is really GingerAle doing this.
It is customary of GA to go around insulting new askers and calling them homework cheaters on guest accounts, then denying them as you have seen.
This is the best of your Puppet Master world. Isn’t it? Criticize a homework cheater, blame it on GA, and then call GA a liar when she disavows the post.
In this current post you continue your (lame) attempts at social engineering, and Herr Massow is your target. You present your ideas and criticisms with hyperbolic emotionalism, couched in bombastic prose, and seasoned with absurd metaphors. ...Let’s not forget the lies:
A site such as this most likely gets its revenue from visitors viewing advertisements. I suspect that this is another motivation for the AI debacle. It's about time you started putting education before profits. If you truly wanted this site to become a useful repository for future students and a welcoming community for those who decide to post a question, you wouldn't have to worry about making enough money to keep this piece of junk afloat. And frankly, you deserve to worry if you don't.
You have visited this forum for years. Have you ever seen an advertisement on this forum? Have you seen a link to an advertisement (other than spam links –usually hidden in a (wrong) answer post)? You haven’t. There isn’t even a donation link. This forum is not just non-profit; it generates no revenue at all. This forum exists as act of noblesse oblige by Herr Massow.
You know this, but you lie and then you criticize Herr Massow based on this lie (It's about time you started putting education before profits). Then you couch your criticisms as if you are advocating for the students –the same students you blast for being homework cheaters. You are the worst kind hypocrite. You are the epitome of Antifa... Maybe you are just here to practice your social engineering, social justice, and cancel culture skills. You have a long way to go... you POS! ...It would help if you actually knew how to write.
It takes time to generate AI text –even crappy AI text.
So prior to your current posts you posted these two comments
Admin be like: oh no the crappy website that I made which is ugly broken and generally has horrible design interface is not getting any views! What could be the problem??? OH I KNOW! Moderation must not be good enough!! So I’m just gonna slap a stupid AI on here which hides every other post and make everyone’s lives miserable. This definitely will not drive people away and its not my problem anyway since I come here once in a blue moon!
Guest 3 hours ago
edited by Guest 3 hours ago
Your website design sucks and your AI moderation system is an abomination. It's been the reason for so many users leaving and hating this site. It's no wonder no one's using it, you absolute idiot. Instead of investing money in making this site worse, maybe use your brain and fix all of your broken content and buggy bugs. The only way you'll ever make users happy is if you throw out your crappy AI and listen to their feedback. Your job is not to make everyone miserable, it's to help them find the information they need. Do better, idiot.
Guest 1 hour ago
edited by Guest 1 hour ago
I have to say: I’m so overwhelmed by your intelligence... I’m at a loss for words. Perhaps I should ask an AI to generate some words for me.
I think the AI will say this crap is better than the crap you replaced it with.
Unlike you, I actually give a shit about this forum. Even after more than nine years as a member I still think of this forum as one of the wonders of the virtual world. I probably know more about the forum’s history (the Calculator too) and operation than anyone other than Herr Massow.
Here’s a brief overview:
GA –The Real One
--. .-
Does anybody else think this new AI interface is awful?
I think it is, too. I have a few math-related answers that
have been waiting moderation/publishing for many days.
But then, sometimes my answer goes up immediately.
I think that the A.I. is a little short on the "I" part.
Of course, you'll never see this comment if it languishes
awaiting A.I. moderation for endless days. :-)
Hi "GW", thanks for your feedback!
It's about time you started putting education before profits.
Lol. What profits?
If you truly wanted this site to become a useful repository for future students and a welcoming community for those who decide to post a question, you wouldn't have to worry about making enough money to keep this piece of junk afloat.
Now the forum generates $0 income. In your opinion after spending a few hundred thoudsand $ in updating and improving the website, the website will attract more visitors? And then the revenue will increase? Like what, 50%? Let's see, $0 + 50%, Wow, nice.
deploying your hopeless AI moderator
Lacking the funds to rent a server with a powerful NVIDIA graphics card, I can't run a high-quality AI model. Renting a Google Cloud "a2-highgpu-1g" would be too costly. If you're open to donating several thousand dollars monthly, please inform me. Currently, I'm using a smaller 7 billion parameter model. Further reducing its capability with 4-bit quantization to fit a budget server inevitably limits its performance.
We do not need your attempts at moderation
Well, 99% of posts are spam or inappropriate content. You expecting that the volutary moderators of this forum should moderate this all manually in their free time is a little bit strange..
A place where users struggle daily with errors and malfunctions while
Sorry for the webite problems. A few years ago this website ran on more than a dozen high performance dedicated servers. But now it runs on a few cheap virtual low power servers. Of course there are very often peformance problems resulting in all kinds of timeout errors. Especially if one of the many AI companies scrape the forum to train their models.
the only questions being posted are still sham AoPS class material.
Learning math has no future, at least in the western world. The traffic to all math related websites clearly show that. Many students have no time to spend on solving math problems, I guess they are to busy watching TikTok all day.
"In your opinion after spending a few hundred thoudsand $ in updating and improving the website, the website will attract more visitors? And then the revenue will increase?"
"Lacking the funds to rent a server with a powerful NVIDIA graphics card, I can't run a high-quality AI model"
Then don't run an AI model at all.
"Well, 99% of posts are spam or inappropriate content. You expecting that the volutary moderators of this forum should moderate this all manually in their free time is a little bit strange.."
That's a bit of an exaggeration. And yes, they are called moderators for a reason, they have powers - moderation powers that normal users dont. Everyone can answer questions, not everyone can moderate. Also, wouldn't deploying a senseless AI just increase the amount of work they have to do in terms of unhiding posts...?
"Sorry for the webite problems. A few years ago this website ran on more than a dozen high performance dedicated servers. But now it runs on a few cheap virtual low power servers"
It's not just server problems, the formulary is incomplete, for example.
"Especially if one of the many AI companies scrape the forum to train their models."
I doubt they'd want to.
"Students have no time to spend on solving math problems, I guess they are to busy watching TikTok all day."
Damn right.