Mar 7, 2017
Mar 7, 2017
Mar 7, 2017

Hinty-hint-hint: No one should ever probably write something of that large amount before their question. Even if it is about Overwatch. No one will answer your question. Of course, you could write that much about anything else- Oxygen Not Included, anything! Of course, that doesn't mean it is a good idea. Maybe, however, it is! What if this would get people who are so gullible as to actually believe you are part of the development team. Then they would be stupid enough to read your whole thing. Maybe they only believe it because you very deceiving. Maybe you used jedi mind-tricks on them, or previously worked with the CIA on Polybius. Maybe all these things lead people to believe you. Should they? Maybe not. Maybe so. Would you believe yourself. Answer this question- what is 1+1? Is it two? Maybe on this planet. But would the Martians agree? Maybe it is three because they add the two ones and a plus sign( 1 plus + plus 1=3). By that logic, maybe it is 4. That would mean 1 plus + plus 1 plus = is 4. That might be logical. Maybe everything here is a lie. It is the internet after all! But you wrote a novel. Books are more generally accepted as more trustable than the internet. So, would a book on the internet be trustable? How could it be? It is on the internet! But it is a book. But it is written by humans, who are untrustable! Can anything be completely trusted in this world? Certainly not! Unless, since this was written by a human, it is also untrustable. Maybe nothing is trustable. But what if I was proved wrong? What if someone did a study and found me to be wrong(let's assume for the sake of arguement that they are 100% unbiased, which is impossible(unless I'm wrong because I'm human and it is on the internet))? The only problem would be that they would have to write a research report. What's the problem with that, you ask? They wrote it, and most likely ended up having it published on the internet! That means it is untrustable for two reasons. The first reason is because it is written by a human. The second reason is because it is on the internet. But what if we built robots to write for us? Assume we follow Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics. What are they? They are here:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Assume we follow these laws. Would a robot writing a paper be trustable? It is not written by a human. However, a human taught and made them. Therefore, they write like the person who made it, and, therefore, write like a human, which makes it untrustable! Also, since humans mess up, anything done by a human is NOT good! I suggest you just take actions and stop doing everyhting(which in adn of itself is bad because a human is doing it)- breathing, eating, sleeping, waking up. I do not know what you are to do, but it would be better to not exist.


But this was written by a human...


Trig ratios are important. Take this image into consideration:

Note Angle C. From that angle, the opposite and adjacent sides and hypotenuse are labeled. This will help you visualize trig ratios. For the example's sake, let's make this a 45-45-90 triangle. The measures of Angles B and C will be 45.

AB will be 3, AC will be 4, and the BC will be 5.


The Sine(sin)- This is Opposite/Adjacent. In this case, we will see that the opposite of Angle C is side AB, and he hypotenuse(which will remain the same for all the problem) is BC. So, the Sine(sin) of 45° is AB/BC, or Sin 45° = 3/5.

sin(3/5) = 0.010471784116. 


The Cosine(cos)- This is Adjacent/Hypotenuse. In the picture, the adjacent side of Angle C is AC. The hypotenuse(again) is BC. So the Cosine(cos) of 45°=AC/BC, or Cos 45°= 4/5.

cos(4/5) = 0.999902524009.


The Tangent(tan)- This is Opposite/Adjacent. In this example, the opposite side of Angle C is AB. The adjacent is AC. Therefore, the Tangent(tan) of 45° is 3/4, or Tan 45° = 3/4.

tan(3/4) = 0.013090717085.


Remember these ratios(they will help you find Sin, Cos, and Tan).


  1. Sin= Opposite/Hypotenuse
  2. Cos= Adjacent/Hypotenuse
  3. Tan= Opposite/Adjacent

Also, I would practice finding the cos, sin, and tan of Angles A and B now.

But what if this isn't trustable? It IS written by a human!

Mar 7, 2017
Mar 7, 2017

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