Apr 25, 2024
Apr 24, 2024

We can divide this problem into two cases:


Case 1: Each row has exactly one child from each family.


Choose one child from each family for the first row: there are 3 choices


Arrange the remaining two children in the first row (siblings can't be together): there are 2!=2 ways.


Arrange the second row similarly: 3⋅2=6​ ways total.


Case 2: One row has two children from the same family.


There are two subcases depending on the arrangement of siblings in the rows:


Subcase 2a: The first child in each row is from the same family.


Choose one pair of siblings: 3 choices


Arrange the siblings within the pair: 2 ways.


Arrange the remaining 4 children (2 from another pair and 2 from the third pair) in the second row: 4! ways.


Overcount: we've counted the arrangement as if sibling order matters within a pair (which it doesn't) twice (once for each sibling in the first row). So, we divide by 2!⋅2!.


Total: 2!⋅2!3⋅2⋅4!​=36 ways.


Subcase 2b: The first child in the first row is NOT a sibling of the first child in the second row.


Choose one pair to have their children occupy the third seats in each row: 3 choices.


Arrange the remaining 4 children in the first row: 4! ways.


Overcount: similar to subcase 2a, we divide by 2!⋅2! to account for sibling order not mattering.


Total: 2!⋅2!3⋅4!​=36 ways.


Since Cases 1 and 2 are mutually exclusive, to find the total number of arrangements, we simply add the number of arrangements from each case:

6 + 36 + 36 = 78​.


This gives us a final answer of 78.

Apr 24, 2024
Apr 23, 2024

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