
Questions 4
Answers 740


\(\text {Sir Alan's presentation in LaTeX}\\ \tiny \text {Reproduced verbatim (as much as practicable) with corrections from listed errata. }\\ \text { }\\ \small \text {definition: } \hspace{25 mm} years : = 315000000 {{\mkern 1mu\cdot\mkern 1mu}} s\\ \small \text {half-life: } \hspace{28 mm} \tau: =3{{\mkern 1mu\cdot\mkern 1mu}} years\\ \small \text {initial isotope power: } \hspace{6 mm} Q_0=100{{\mkern 1mu\cdot\mkern 1mu}}W\\ \text{ }\\ \small \text {isotope power as } \\ \small \text {a function of time: } \hspace{10 mm} Q(t): = Q_0{{\mkern 1mu\cdot\mkern 1mu}}e^{-ln(2)\cdot(\frac{t}{\tau})}\\ \small \text {plate area: } \hspace{22 mm} A: = 9{{\mkern 1mu\cdot\mkern 1mu}} mm^2\\ \small \text {plate distance: }\hspace{16 mm} x: = 5 {{\mkern 1mu\cdot\mkern 1mu}} mm\\ \)

\(\small \text {power received at plate } \\ \small \text {as a function of time: } \hspace{9 mm} P(t): = \frac{A \cdot Q(t)}{x^2}\\ \small \text {beginning of third year: } \hspace{9 mm} t_1: = 3 {{\mkern 1mu\cdot\mkern 1mu}} years\\ \small \text {middle of eighth year: } \hspace{12 mm} t_2: = 7.5\; years\\ \small \text { }\\ \small \text {total ENERGY received: } E:= \int_{t_1}^{t_2} P(t) \; dt\\ \text{ }\\ \hspace{55 mm} E=\frac{A}{x^2}\cdot Q_0 \cdot \frac{\tau}{ln(2)} \cdot (e^{\frac{ln(2)\cdot t_2}{\tau}} -e^{\frac{ln(2)\cdot t_2}{\tau}}) \text{ }\\ \hspace{55 mm} E = 2.224 \cdot 10^9 J\\\)


By reproducing this, it seems I’ve demonstrated two proofs. Q.E.D.


1) If you prefer the format in LaTeX, you can do it yourself. It has the same messiness but with a different font. For an example of true messiness, see my troll post for the “Answer Man,” aka Mr. BB.


2) You are an idiot on multiple levels! You’ve risk alienating the only person (in regular attendance) who can answer this type of question.  You are well too far on the wrong side of the education gulf to be this arrogant. If you continue, you will only ever earn a dimwit degree in Stupid. 


Mr. BB has a dimwit degree in Stupid. He is about as educated as you are but he’s more arrogant. He uses his degree as a license to torture forum members with presentations so incompetent that it amuses my cat.  My cat likes him for some reason. I really don’t know why.indecision Maybe because he makes him laugh or maybe because my cat is a (Monopoly) banker and embezzler, or maybe it’s because he likes rodents. It’s probably all three.     

Aug 19, 2017