Apr 14, 2020


I didn't know what form your teacher wanted the answer in so: the percentages are in red, and the fractions are in blue.


a) Well, there are 52 cards in a deck, and there are four suits so: 52/4 = 13 cards in each suit. There are four students so: 13/52 x 13/52 x 13/52 x 13/52...

And you can just multiply fractions straight across which gets us: 13*13*13*13 = 28561 for the numerator and 52*52*52*52 = 7311616 for the denominator, or 28561 / 7311616. This would be 28561/7311616 = 0.00390625*100 = 0.39% percent chance (to the nearest hundredth.) Or 1/256.


b) This one has so many different probabilities, I will work in steps:

Karen - There are 52 cards in a deck, two red suits (each with 13 cards) so that is 26/52.

Gavin - There is only one king per suit and 4 suits so there are only 4 kings in a deck, 4/52.

Nasra - This one is pretty much the same as Karen, there are two black suits so 26/52.

Ali - This one is fairly simple as there is only one 2 of clubs per deck, 1/52.


Multiply the fractions: 26*4*26*1 = 2704 for the numerator, and 52*52*52*52 = 7311616 for the denominator or 2704/7311616. To make this into a percentage: 2704/7311616 = 0.0003698224852071*100 = 0.037% (to the nearest hundredth.) Or 1/2704.


c) Again, I will work in parts...

Karen - There are 13 cards in a suit so 13/52.

Gavin - Same as Karen... 13/52.

Nasra - There are 3 face cards per suit (Jack, Queen, King) so 3*4 = 12/52.

Ali - There is one ace per suit so 4/52.


Multiply the fractions: 13*13*12*4 = 8112 for the numerator, and 52*52*52*52 = 7311616 for the denominator or 8112/7311616. To make this into a percentage: 8112/7311616 = 0.0011094674556213*100 = 0.11% chance (to the nearest hundredth.) Or 3/2704.


*Hoped this helped you understand and that you don't have to turn it in late! 

Apr 14, 2020

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