
The final answer is 3/5 and I apologize for contradicting you.



You did not give a solution.

A solution requires working or reasoning and you have not given that.

You pretend that this question is trivial, which it is not.

My method is correct it is just probably not the easiest way to do it.


Hectictar has given a nice solution here:  It starts much as mine does.


Here is a quicker solution again

Again I will let the side length be 2 units because most people would find that easier than calling it by a pronumeral and it makes no difference.


Using the cosine rule

\(2=5+5-2*\sqrt5\sqrt5cos\theta\\ 2=10-10cos\theta\\ 8=10cos\theta\\ cos\theta = \frac{4}{5}\\ \text{so by drawing a simple right angled triangle with this fact is is easy to determine that} \\ sin\theta=\frac{3}{5}\)



Now jugoslav would you like to enlighten us with your trivial solution?

Oct 14, 2020
Oct 13, 2020
Oct 13, 2020

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