In base 10 we use the digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 there are 10 of them
In base 14 we need 14 digits. Thez can be 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A;B;C;D
The biggest 3 digit one is DDD (base14)
the biggest one in base 10 would be 999 .
Ths is \(9*10^2+9*10+9\)
the biggest one base 14 would be DDD
Converting this to base 10 gives \(13*14^2+ 13*14+13\)
Sorry I have given you the biggest 3 digit base 14 number, converted to base 10
The smalles one would be 100 (base 14)
where the place value of the 1 is 14^2 (That is in base 10)
If I have just confused you let me know and I will explain it better. Think about it first though.