
The 'foci' equation of an ellipse is

\(\frac{(x-h)^2}{a^2}+\frac{(y-k)^2}{b^2}=1 \)

a is the half the length of the horizontal axis and b is half the length of the vertical axis

(h,k) is the centre

If a is bigger than b then it will be more long, (the major axis will be horizontal)

If a is smaller than b then it will be more tall, (the major axis will be vertical)


So lets see what we have been given.


25x^2 +16 y^2 = 400

divide through by 400

\(\frac{x^2}{16}+\frac{y^2}{25}=1\\ \frac{x^2}{4^2}+\frac{y^2}{5^2}=1\\ \)

So the centre is (0,0)

It is a tall one.

The major axis will be from  (-5,0) to  (5,0)    

The minor axis will be from  (0,-4) to (0,4)


To find the focal points we use c where 

\(c^2=|a^2-b^2|\\ c^2=|16-25|\\ c=3 \)


So the distance from the middle to the focal point is 3 units.  

The foci will be at (0,-3)  and (0,3)


We need to find the equation of the ellipse with 

focal points (0,0) and (0,3)         [I could have chosen (0,-3) if I had wanted to]

the centre will be (1,1.5)

c is the distance from the centre to the focal point, so c=1.5

It is just going to touch the other ellipse in one point and that point will be (0,5)

So the major axis b will be  5-1.5=3.5units

We have to find a


b >a  so

\(c^2=b^2-a^2\\ a^2=b^2-c^2\\ a^2=3.5^2-1.5^2\\ a^2=10\\ a=\sqrt{10} \)


So the major axis is  2*3.5=7 units long


the minor axis will be    2sqrt10 which is approx   6.32 units long


For anyone interested:  the equation of the second ellipse will be




Apr 4, 2021

3 Online Users
