Jul 28, 2016
Jul 28, 2016
Jul 28, 2016

@@ What is Happening?  [Wrap4]   Thurs 28/7/16   Sydney,  Australia Time 10:43am   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,

I have not done a wrap since Sat 7th May 16, and that was the first one since Feb 16.

I stopped doing them because the forum got too big and I was too busy with other things.

At this stage I do not intend to start them again on a remotely regular basis but there were a couple of interesting post today and I just wanted people to see them.

I am sorry, I know many of you post and answer very interesting questions very often and I do not even see them anymore.  I am sad about this.  If you send them to me by private message and I have time I will post them in a wrap for you so that other people can see them too.


Forum  News:

I was just reading my last news entry and the problem is the same.  Most people cannot edit their posts!  This is a real pest and it is one of the reasons that I stopped writing the wrap.  Collecting the questions just became too difficult when i could not edit the thread that  they were entered into.  Soon I will apprach Mr Massow about this again but being realistic the problem is not likely to go away.


Camelot News:

Camelot seems to have been defeated.   sad

The King is still off at the crusades.  Queen Guinevere has not been doing a good job of ruling in his stead.  The ghost has been silent.  The Doctor, Morgan Tudd, has not been seen in months.  Sir CPhill and Sir Alan are here but they seem to be in disguise. I have heard no more news of Sir CPhill's search for the Roman Zero.  He knows it is in Sisyphus's boulder but still he has not retrieved it.    I did see Mistress Katie Leigh recently but she was vas very quiet. I did not even hear her school keys jangling.  Maybe our reporter HeatherF, is off soing war correspondence with the King.  I have not seen her.    sadsadsad



Mathematics posts:  

I am sure that there has been a great many excellent questions and answers but unfortunately I have not seen them. :(


1)  Max posted this one and Heureka and I answered it.  Thanks Heureka :)


2) This one was asked a while ago and I have been talking to Bertie about it.  I really like the explanation that Bertie gave, I think other members could learn from Bertie's answer too :)

Plus, I always find these combinatory questions interesting.


Repeat offer:

I know that there were other good questions and ansswers but I have not collected them.  Like I said, I invite people to send the addresses of good questions/answers to me by private message and if I have time I will include them in a wrap like this one.  They do not need to be high level questions or answers, they just need to be interesting questions, or answers that you think are worthy of recognition.  They can be your own answers or someone elses. 

Please take advantage of my offer   laugh



                                                  ♪ ♫      Melody    ♪ ♫      

Jul 28, 2016

3 Online Users
