Dec 2, 2016
Dec 2, 2016
Dec 2, 2016

Exponential growth can be amazing!


Let us say we have this special tree.

It grows exponentially , following this formula (e is Euler's number):


Height (in mm) = ex


At 1 year old it is: e1 = 2.7 mm high ... really tiny!

At 5 years it is: e5 = 148 mm high ... as high as a cup

At 10 years: e10 = 22 m high ... as tall as a building

At 15 years: e15 = 3.3 km high ... 10 times the height of the Eiffel Tower

At 20 years: e20 = 485 km high ... up into space!


No tree could ever grow that tall! 
So when people say "it grows exponentially" ... just think what that means.

Growth and Decay

But sometimes things can grow (or the opposite: decay) exponentially, at least for a while.

So we have a generally useful formula:

y(t) = a × ekt

Where y(t) = value at time "t"
a = value at the start
k = rate of growth (when >0) or decay (when <0)
t = time


Example: 2 months ago you had 3 mice, you now have 18.

Assuming the growth continues like that

What is the "k" value?

How many mice 2 Months from now?

How many mice 1 Year from now?


Start with the formula:

y(t) = a × ekt

We know a=3 mice, t=2 months, and right now y(2)=18 mice:

18 = 3 × e2k

Now some algebra to solve for k:

Divide both sides by 3: 6 = e2k


Take the natural logarithm of both sides: ln(6) = ln(e2k)


ln(ex)=x, so: ln(6) = 2k


Rearrange: k = ln(6)/2

(Note: k ≈ 0.896, but it is best to keep it as ln(6)/2 until we do our final calculations.)

Now, we want to know the population in 2 more months (at t=4 months), and in 1 year from now (t=14 months):

y(4) = 3 e(ln(6)/2)×4 = 108

y(14) = 3 e(ln(6)/2)×14 = 839,808


That's a lot of mice! I hope you will be feeding them properly.

Exponential Decay

Some things "decay" (get smaller) exponentially.

Example: Atmospheric pressure (the pressure of air around you) decreases as you go higher.

It decreases about 12% for every 1000 m: an exponential decay.

The pressure at sea level is about 1013 hPa (depending on weather).


Write the formula (with its "k" value),

Find the pressure on the roof of the Empire State Building (381 m),

and at the top of Mount Everest (8848 m)


Start with the formula:

y(t) = a × ekt

We know

a (the pressure at sea level) = 1013 hPa

t is in meters (distance, not time, but the formula still works)

y(1000) is a 12% reduction on 1013 hPa = 891.44 hPa


891.44 = 1013 ek×1000

Now some algebra to solve for k:

Divide both sides by 1013: 0.88 = e1000k


Take the natural logarithm of both sides: ln(0.88) = ln(e1000k)


ln(ex)=x, so: ln(0.88) = 1000k


Rearrange: k = ln(0.88)/1000


Now we know "k" we can write:

y(t) = 1013 e(ln(0.88)/1000)×t


And finally we can calculate the pressure at 381 m, and at 8848 m:


y(381) = 1013 e(ln(0.88)/1000)×381 = 965 hPa

y(8848) = 1013 e(ln(0.88)/1000)×8848 = 327 hPa


(In fact pressures at Mount Everest are around 337 hPa ... not bad!)

Dec 2, 2016
Dec 2, 2016

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