a. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/v50rjzsxtt
Since a can be any value > 0 , the graph will be different for each possible value of a .
(You can pick a different value for a with the slider.)
b. https://www.desmos.com/calculator/te6iwcz85v
Like the first graph, this graph will be different for each possible value of b .
Some interesting coding by GingerAle and Heureka: Thanks to both of you :)
It is from this question:
\(\begin{array}{rcll} n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}1247}^{\varphi({\color{green}231})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}231}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 1247 mod 231} } }_{=1247^{230-1} \mod {231} }}_{=1247^{229} \mod {231}}}_{=113} + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}231}^{\varphi({\color{green}1247})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}1247}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 231 mod 1247} } }_{=231^{1246-1} \mod {1247} }}_{=231^{1245} \mod {1247}}}_{=637}\\\\ n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot [ 113] + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot [637] \\ n &=& 469374541 + 200267067 \\ n &=& 669641608 \\\\ && n\pmod {m}\\ &=& 669641608 \pmod {288057} \\ &=& 197140 \\\\ n &=& 197140 + k\cdot 288057 \qquad k \in Z\\\\ \mathbf{n_{min}} & \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{197140 } \end{array}\)
\begin{array}{rcll} n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}1247}^{\varphi({\color{green}231})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}231}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 1247 mod 231} } }_{=1247^{230-1} \mod {231} }}_{=1247^{229} \mod {231}}}_{=113} + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ \underbrace{ [ {\color{green}231}^{\varphi({\color{green}1247})-1} \pmod {{\color{green}1247}} ] }_{=\text{modulo inverse 231 mod 1247} } }_{=231^{1246-1} \mod {1247} }}_{=231^{1245} \mod {1247}}}_{=637}\\\\
n &=& {\color{red}3331} \cdot {\color{green}1247} \cdot [ 113] + {\color{red}1361} \cdot {\color{green}231} \cdot [637] \\
n &=& 469374541 + 200267067 \\ n &=& 669641608 \\\\ && n\pmod {m}\\ &=& 669641608 \pmod {288057} \\
&=& 197140 \\\\
n &=& 197140 + k\cdot 288057 \qquad k \in Z\\\\
\mathbf{n_{min}} & \mathbf{=}& \mathbf{197140 }