Apr 19, 2020

\(s=v_{horizontal}\times t\) Aurora hit a baseball with an initial velocity of 70 feet per second at an angle of 30° with the horizontal. The ball hit her bat when the ball was 3 feet above the ground.

(a) No one interferes with the ball. How long does it take the ball to hit the ground? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a second. Show all your work.

(b) How far did the ball travel horizontally? Use your answer from Part (a) in your calculations. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a foot. 


Aurora schlug einen Baseball mit einer Anfangsgeschwindigkeit von 70 Fuß pro Sekunde in einem Winkel von 30 ° zur Horizontalen. Der Ball traf ihren Schläger, als der Ball 3 Fuß über dem Boden war.
(a) Niemand stört den Ball. Wie lange dauert es, bis der Ball auf dem Boden aufschlägt? Runden Sie Ihre Antwort auf die nächste Hundertstelsekunde. Zeigen Sie alle Ihre Arbeiten.
(b) Wie weit bewegte sich der Ball horizontal? Verwenden Sie Ihre Antwort aus Teil (a) in Ihren Berechnungen. Runden Sie Ihre Antwort auf den nächsten Zehntel Fuß.

It makes it easier for me.


Hallo lightsup!



\(\sum h=0\)


\(3ft+\frac{70ft}{sec}\cdot sin(30^0)\cdot t-\frac{g}{2}t^2=0\)


\(-\frac{32.185\cdot ft}{2\ sec^2}t^2+\frac{70ft}{sec}\cdot sin(30^0)\cdot t+3ft=0\\ -\frac{32.185}{2}t^2+70\cdot 0.5\cdot t+3=0\\ \color{blue}-16.0925\ t^2+35\ t+3=0\)


\(t=\frac{-35\pm\sqrt{35^2+4*16.0925*3}}{-2*16.0925}\\ t=\frac{-35\pm 37.6578}{-32.185}\\ t=\frac{-72.6578}{-32.185}\)

\(t=2.26\ sec\)



\(s= v_{horizontal}*t\)

\(v_{horizontal}=70 \frac{ft}{sec}*cos(30^0)\)

\(s=70 \frac{ft}{sec}*cos(30^0)*2.257sec\)

\(s=136.9\ ft\)

laugh  !

Apr 19, 2020

1)  The Rational Zero Test says that any possible rational zero is a fraction whose numerator is a divisor of the constant term

      (in this case, a divisor of 16) and the denominator is a divisor of the coefficient of the first term (in this case, 2).

      Also, all the negative must also be considered.

      The divisors of 16 are 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.  

      The divisors of 2 are 2, 1.    

      So, for this problem the possibilities are:  16/1, -16/1, 8/1, -8/1, 4/1, -4/1, 2/1, -2/1, 1/1, -1/1

                                                               and:  16/2, -16/2, 8/2, -8/2, 4/2, -4/2, 2/2, -2/2, 1/2, -1/2

      Of course, some of these are repeats.


      Try these one at a time until you find one that makes the function zero. If it makes the function zero, it will be a root; if

       it doesn't make the function zero, it isn't a root.


       For example:  f(x)  =  2x3 + 2x2 - x + 16     --->     f(16)  =  2(16)3 + 2(16)2 - (16) + 16  =  8704

       This didn't make the function zero, so it isn't a root.

       So, you get to try the next number.

       Keep trying until you get one that works or until they all fail.

       Once you get one that works, divide the function by that root (for instance, if 5 works, divide by (x - 5)).

       If you can factor the result, do so; that's easier than using the RZT.    

       If you can't factor the result, use the RZT on this new function.


2)  Every factor that has an even exponent bounces; every factor that has an odd exponent passes through.


3)  f(x)  =  -3x2 + 12x - 2

     Bring the constant term to the other side:            f(x) + 2  =  -3x2 + 12x

     Factor out the coefficient of the squared term:    f(x) + 2  =  -3(x2 - 4x)

     Complete the square by dividing the coefficient of the x-term by 2 and squaring that answer:

         -4 / 2  =  -2   --->   (-2)2  =  4

     Add that inside the parentheses -- note that you really are adding a value of -3 x 4  =  -12, so you'll have

     to add that to the other side as well:            f(x) + 2 - 12  =  -3(x2 - 4x + 4)

                                                                                 f(x) -10  =  -3(x - 2)2

                                                                                        f(x)  =  -3(x - 2)+ 10

Apr 19, 2020
Apr 18, 2020

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