Aug 30, 2020
Aug 29, 2020

I mean, all questions are copyrighted, so technically, no questions should be posted, using your logic. (Which would lead to the failure of this site, which will eventually turn into Facebook when the web2.0calc apocalypse arrives....what a scary thought...)




Are you actually Richard Ruscyzk, or are you impostering him? Or are you just a big fan of him?


Concerning your post, I find it a bit funny that you are addressing this problem and posted this question...which very much looks like an AoPS question. 

Let me list a few reasons why:


1. The LaTeX is between with dollar signs (to activate), which is what AoPS does when they want LaTeX in their code. (Most sites just stick with \( LaTeX \) or \[ LaTeX \] to center)


2. Here are a couple AoPS questions (already posted) about functions:

- please help me

- help pls

Now, here is your question:

Let $f(x)$ be a quadratic polynomial such that $f(-4) = -22,$ $f(-1)=2$, and $f(2)=-1.$ Let $g(x) = f(x)^{16}.$ Find the sum of the coefficients of the terms in $g(x)$ with even exponents. (For example, the sum of the coefficients of the terms in $-7x^3 + 4x^2 + 10x - 5$ with even exponents is $(4) + (-5) = -1.$)

See the resemblance? 

3. You named it "challenge problem"... which is what AoPS calls their problems.


Now, I may be wrong, but it's fun to investigate in statements!

I see that you are very dedicated in creating your profile, as you even went into the depth of the web, and got Richard's Princeton alumni photo...

If you are an imposter (if you are just a fan, then this question does not concern you) :

If you really want to get your point across, why choose Richard? I'm not blaming you, I'm just saying, you could have chosen Sandor Lehoczky to get your point of not copyrighting AoPS problems!


If you are the real Richard:

Congrats! AoPS was a great invention! I still wonder why you posted that question though....


Please don't get offended by this post, I'm just having a little fun researching, investigating, and satisfying my curiosity.


EDIT: 1000 points! Yay πŸ˜ƒ 



Aug 29, 2020

(a) Let's call (a,b,c) a smiley face if b is less than a and b is less than c, because when we plot the graph, we get a happy face!  And if b is greater than a and b is greater than c, that's a frowny face, because we get a frowny face when we turn a smiely face up-side-down.


There are other kinds of faces like smirks (like a is less than b and b is less than c) and neutral faces (like when a is equal to b and b is equal to c).  If the face is neutral, then a equals b and b equals c, so when we choose a, b, and c are also chosen, and there are n choices for a, so there are n neutral faces.


Now we count the number of smirks.  There are n ways to choose a, and there are n - 1 ways to choose b.  We also multiply by 3, because the value that we chose for a could have also been the value of b, or the value of c.  So there are 3n(n - 1) smirks.


Now we count the number of smiley faces.  There are n ways to choose a, then n - 1 ways to choose b, then n - 2 ways to choose c.  So there are n(n - 1)(n - 2) = 3C(n,3) smiley faces.  By symmetry, there are 3C(n,3) frowny faces.

Therefore, the total number of faces is n^3 = n + 3n(n - 1) + 6C(n,3).


(b) To choose three numbers, we can choose two groups one group with two numbers and the other group has one number.  The total of n + 2 numbers can be separated into two groups.


In the first way, one group has 2 numbers, and the other group has n numbers.  They form a total of n + 2 numbers.  There are C(2,2) = 1 ways to choose two numbers from the 2 group.  There are C(n,1) = n ways to choose one number from the one group.  This gives us a first term of 1*n.


In the second way, one group has three numbers, and the other group has n - 1 numbers.  They form a total of n - 1 numbers.  There are C(3,2) = 2 ways to choose two numbers from the 2 group.  There are C(n - 1,1) = n - 1 ways to choose one number from the one group.  This gives us a second term of 2*(n - 1).  The pattern will continue until we reach n.  So the two sides are equal.

Aug 29, 2020
Aug 29, 2020
Aug 29, 2020

3 Online Users
