
Here is my take on this question, I could be wrong (inequalities are tricky for me).  


From the statement f(0)=81, we have d=81


This, f(x) becomes 3x^3+bx^2+cx+81.  

Let the roots be r, s, and t.  Thus, the product rst is equal to -27 by Vieta's formulas.  


b=-(r+s+t), which is a positive number, given that r, s, and t are all negative.  Hence, to minimize b, we want to maximize r+s+t, knowing that they are negative.  We seek to relate rst to r+s+t through inequality, and the AM-GM works for this.  The problem arises though, that the AM-GM only works for positive numbers, and r, s, and t are each negative.  Luckily, by setting -r, -s, and -t into the equation, we have all positive inputs, hence allowing for the AM-GM to come into use.  


The AM-GM for 3 variables gives \(\frac{-r-s-t}{3}≥ \sqrt[3]{-rst}\), simplifying to \(-(r+s+t)≥ 3\sqrt[3]{27}\) or \(r+s+t≤-9\) from this, the maximum value of r+s+t is -9, so the minimum value for b is 9.  This can only be achieved when r=s=t however, so r=s=t=-3


Now to find the minimum value for c


With r, s, and t each being negative rs, st, and rt must all be positive.  From this, it is easy to apply AM-GM for 3 variables 


\(\frac{rs+st+rt}{3}≥\sqrt[3]{rst^2}\), simplifying to \(rs+st+rt≥27\).  Equality only occurs when the equality condition of AM=GM is met, however, or when rs=st=rt, r=s=t.  From this, the minimum value of c is 27.  


Combining the minimum value of b with the minimum value of c, we find that both can be achieved only when r=s=t=-3.  Through this, the roots must be -3, -3, and -3, with b=9, c=27.  F(1) is equal to 3+b+c+81, or 3+9+27+81, or 120.  


Hopefully, this is a valid solution, have a great day!


Note:  After expanding (x+3)^3, and multiplying by 3, I found that this solution is incorrect.  Hopefully, you can find inspirational value from this then.  Where I went wrong was when I tried to use AM-GM to find b, as the application was completely out of the restriction of the AM-GM.  


Someone previously asked this question on this website though, and the answer they got was 204.  

Jun 4, 2021
Jun 4, 2021
Jun 4, 2021
Jun 4, 2021

y-intercept is when x=0, so it is f(0), or -80/96 = -5/6 -> (0, -5/6)


x-intercept is when y=0, so it is when \(\frac{5x^2-80}{4x^2-40x+96}=0\).  Knowing that x cannot equal the roots of \(4x^2-40x+96 \), namely, 4 and 6, we can multiply both sides in the original equation by \(4x^2-40x+96 \) having \(5x^2=80\), or \(x=4, -4\).  From the previous part, however, x cannot equal 4, so the only x-intercept is (-4, 0).


For horizontal asymptotes, we cancel out factors  \(\frac{5x^2-80}{4x^2-40x+96}=0 \) and use synthetic division to get \(5/4 +25/2(x-6)\).  The larger x gets, the less \(25/2(x-6)\) is, meaning that the expression \(5/4 +25/2(x-6)\) gets closer and closer to 5/4.  When x gets smaller, the less \(25/2(x-6)\) is, meaning that the expression approaches 5/4 but never reaches it.  Thus, y = 5/4 is the horizontal asymptote.  


For the vertical asymptote, we have x=4 and x=6 as possibilities (roots of \(4x^2-40x+96\), the denominator), though, since the (x-4) in the numerator and denominator cancel, x=4 is a hole in the graph while x=6 is a vertical asymptote.  x=6 is the only vertical asymptote.  


For the hole in the graph, we have x=4 (mentioned in the previous part), as it remains in the denominator and numerator, hence not allowing x=4, but still canceling during the graph overall.  Putting in x=4, we have y = -5


y-intercept (0, -5/6)


x-intercept (-4, 0)


Horizontal asymptote y=5/4


Vertical asymptote x=6


Hole (4, -5)


The graph is available at desmos graphing calculator, though I do not have an account yet and thus cannot share it.  It should be easy enough to create however.  Anyways, this was a long response, but I believe that this answered the question.  Have a great day!

Jun 4, 2021
Jun 4, 2021

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