Feb 18, 2022
Feb 18, 2022

The malfunction appears to have started sometime after 2022-02-16 09:22:54 GMT

The most recent post to have more than one view is, which has seven (7) views. This question post was answered by Alan 21 minutes after the initial post. This is extremely low for any post with this age, and is especially so for a post answered by Alan.  (This is probably unrelated, but it’s interesting to note that three (3) sequential prior post threads are hidden from public view).


When Alan posts an answer on a thread, the view count rate for that thread will climb about *.* times the average rate for all threads. This measure is calculated when the answer post appears at the top of the “Latest” page of “All Answers” and ends when it falls-off-the-bottom (with post per gage set to 25). At this point, the view count rate for a thread where Alan answers jumps to *.* times the average, then climbs slightly as the thread ages.  It’s quite funny to note Alan’s view count rate is now seven (7) times the average rate. This is, by far, the highest rate I’ve measured for anyone. An outlier for sure! LOL


Alan’s rates (and measured members) were higher a year ago. Not because Alan’s view counts were substantially higher –they’ve remained fairly steady, but relative to the overall average they climbed as the total view count dropped because the questions posted on the forum became more Brain-Dead.  Very few want to read third-grade math questions, asked by remediated high school students. When Alan answers a question it’s usually advanced enough to glean the interest of the more advanced students and mathematicians.


Another reason for the change is the link to the answers index is no longer available for users who are not logged on. Many or most do not realize the All Answers page is accessible by typing in the URL.   That’s not surprising! ...Not to me, at least. W T F is a URL?




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Feb 18, 2022

1 Online Users