Feb 2, 2020


A number 84 is divided into two parts. if the difference between half of the first part and one-third of the second part is 12, find two parts of number.      


Call the first part       A

Call the second part  B


We know that                                                       A + B = 84              

and that                                                               A/2 – B/3 = 12       


From there it's just substitution                            A = 84 – B         above, where it says A we're going to plug this in   


                                                                            (84 – B)/2 – B/3 = 12           

Let's multiply everything by 6 and       

get rid of those pesky denominators                    3 • (84 – B) – 2 • B = 6 • 12             


                                                                            252 – 3B – 2B = 72                 

Combine like terms                                              252 – 5B = 72                

Subtract 252 from both sides                               –5B = –180            

Divide both sides by –5                                            B = 36              


Plug this 36 back into the original equation          A + 36 = 84                      

                                                                                 A = 84 – 36                   

                                                                                 A = 48                        


We could have solved for A first; it doesn't matter.                        

Just remember which one you designated as "the first part"

so you know which one to divide by 2 and which one to divide by 3.


Feb 2, 2020

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