
Thanks Ginger!


@guest (Mr. BB)


lingojam is a translator created by random people that translates sentences into useless sentences. Don't believe me?

In no way can that "fix" my spelling. Why, I could even type vdefsfdwfdsfdw, and it will turn out as 𝐯𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐬𝐟𝐝𝐰𝐟𝐝𝐬𝐟𝐝𝐰


In what way does that help me?


Is it the fact that you can't tell the difference between app and website?


@jimkey17 What makes you think I don't learn words that are over my grade?  cheeky If you were wondering, I learned the word "allowed" in kindergarten, when they taught kids how to ask for a bathroom pass! So i bet you think I haven't started grade school yet, right?

Sometimes, when the only thing you are thinking about is math, you forget your grammar. Yes, from now on, I should check my "aloud"s over. 


Oh, do I have to say it allowed to check if I am aloud to go to the bathroom?


To satisfy your curiosity, no. This is not an ad for anything. :)

Sep 3, 2020
Sep 3, 2020

I have horible spelling too! I have noticed that Google Docs tend to help much more with spelling and grammar than Microsoft Word does. I leve to use to help me. You can use the grammarly website's writer, or install the extention, and the Gramarly Beta works on Google Docs when you have the extention.

Sep 3, 2020
Sep 3, 2020

3 Online Users
