
Hi Kay :))

A community bird-watching society makes and sells simple bird feeders to raise money for its conservation activities. The materials for each feeder cost $6, and the society sells an average of 20 per week at a price of $10 each.

At this point the feeders will cost   6*20 = $120

And will sell for   10*20=  $200

So profit will be     10*20 - 6*20 = $80


The society has been considering raising the price, so it conducts a survey and finds that for every dollar increase, it will lose 2 sales per week.

(a)  Find a function that models weekly profit in terms of price per feeder.


Let d be the number of extra dollars that will be charged. 

The number that will be made and sold will be N=(20-2d)   The sale price will be  (10+d)

Total cost will be  6(20-2d)    dollars

The total revenue (sale)  will be  (10+d)(20-2d)


Profit = revenue - cost

Profit = (10+d)(20-2d) - 6(20-2d)

Profit = (10+d-6)(20-2d)

Profit = (d+4)(20-2d)

Profit = (d+4)(20-2d)

I just realized that I am meant to be getting profit in relation to Price per feeded so I will substitute for d

Let x be the sales price.


\(x=10+d\\ d=x-10\\\)



\(Pr=(d+4)(20-2d)\\ Pr=(x-10+4)(20-2(x-10))\\ Pr=(x-6)(20-2x+20)\\ Pr=(x-6)(40-2x)\\ Pr=-2(x-6)(x-20)\\ \)


(b)  What price should the society charge for each feeder  to maximize profits? What is the maximum weekly profit?

Profit as a funtion of sales price is a concave down parabola.

The roots (where there is no profit) are at Price=$6 and $20

The maximum profit will be half way between these 2 where   x=(6+20)/2= $13

If $13 is charged it will yeild the maximum profit of


\(Pr=-2(13-6)(13-20)\\ Pr=-2*7*-7\\ Pr=$98\)

Aug 16, 2016
Aug 16, 2016
Aug 16, 2016

1 Online Users
