
18. Figure:


In the figure, ABCD is a rhombus. E is a point on BC such that AE⊥BC, cos B = 4/5 and EC = 2. P is a point on AB. Find the least value of PE + PC.


I worked my  way through this....[ well, almost ].....I believe that P minimizes PE + PC  when

P = (256/45 , 64/15  )


To start, we need to find the coordinates of E  and C.....let B  = (0, 0)

And since cosB = 4/5, then BE / AB  = 4/5  → BE  = (4/5)AB  and EC = 2

And BC  =

(4/5)AB + 2  = AB

2  = (1/5)AB  → AB  =10 = BE  = 8


So  E  = (8,0)   and  C  = (10,0)....and ABE  is a 6, 8, 10 right triangle, with A = (8,6)....therefore, the tanB  = 6/8  = 3/4....and for any point x on P, y =(3/4)x


So......we have this


D  = PE + PC

D = √[ (x - 8)^2  + [(3/4)x]^2 ]  + √[ (x - 10)^2  + [(3/4)x]^2 ]

D = √[ (x^2 - 16x  + 64  + (9/16)x^2 ]  + √[ (x^2 - 20x  + 100  + (9/16)x^2 ] 

D = √[ (25/16)x^2 - 16x  + 64  ] + √[ (25/16)x^2 - 20x  + 100  ]


So.....taking the derivative, we have


D'  =  [ (25/8)x - 16] /  √[ (25/16)x^2 - 16x  + 64  ]  + [ (25/8)x - 20] /  √[ (25/16)x^2 - 20x  + 100  ] 


Set this = 0  and solve for x...[ I let WolframAlpha do the heavy lifting here.....if I have time  tomorrow, I might  see if I can go through the messy Algebra associated with this....but....I'm not promising anything.........I know you're not supposed to use CAS help....but I'm not in the competition....!!! ]


Anyway....setting to 0 and solving for x  should result  in 

P = [x, (3/4)x ]  = (256/45 , 64/15  )



cool cool cool

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