


\(\text {(a) }\\ \text {Find coordinates (y) for masses } \displaystyle m_1(y_1) \text { and } m_2(y_2)\\ y_1 = 0.5(9.81)*(0.300)^2 = 0.441 \small \text{meters}\\ y_2 = 0.5(9.81)*(0.300 – 0.100)^2 = 0.196 \small \text{ meters}\\ \\ \small \text{ Formula for the center of mass (2 objects):}\\ \\ y_{com} = \dfrac{(m_1y_1 + m_2y_2)}{(m_1 + m_2)}\\ y_{com} = \dfrac{((1) (0.441) + (2)(0.196)}{(1) + (2)} = 0.278 \small \text{ meters} \leftarrow \small\color{green} \text{Answer for (a)}\\ \text {(b) }\\ \text{Velocity of center of mass}\\ v1=(g)(t)_1 = 9.8*0.300 = \small \text{ 2.94m/s }\\ v2=(g)(t)_2 = 9.8*0.200 = \small \text{ 1.96m /s }\\ v_{com} = \dfrac{((1)(2.94)+(2)(1.96))}{3} = 2.287 \small \text{ m/s} \leftarrow \small\color{green} \text{Answer for (b)}\\\\ \small \text{ }\\ \small \text{Theory & Formulas: Complements of Archimedes of Syracuse, Leonhard Euler, Sir Isaac Newton, Pappus of Alexandria,}\\ \small \text{Guido Ubaldi, Francesco Maurolico, Federico Commandino, Simon Stevin, Luca Valerio, Jean-Charles de la Faille, Paul Guldin,}\\ \small \text{John Wallis, Louis Carré, Pierre Varignon, and Alexis Clairaut.}\\ \small \text{ } \hspace{20em} \scriptsize \text {(Probably a few others, too. The COM concept is ancient) }\\ \small \text{Produced by Lancelot Link and company. }\\ \small \text{Directed by GingerAle. }\\ \small \text{Sponsored by Naus Corp. Quantum Pharmaceuticals. }\\ \small \text{ } \hspace{15em} \scriptsize \text { Making a better world by neutralizing the quantum dumbness of }\\ \small \text{ } \hspace{15em} \scriptsize \text { Blarney Masters and related dumb-dumbs }\\\)

Mar 24, 2017

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