which term is the number 78987 in this sequence?
Here 0 is the 1st term:
The position of a palindrome within the sequence can be determined almost without calculation:
If the palindrome has an even number of digits,
prepend a 1 to the front half of the palindrome's digits.
Examples: 98766789=a(19876)
If the number of digits is odd, prepend the value of front digit + 1 to the digits from position 2 ... central digit.
Examples: 515=a(61), 8206028=a(9206), 9230329=a(10230).
see link: http://oeis.org/search?q=Palindromes+in+base+10
which term is the number 78987 in this sequence?
The number of digits is 5 is odd, prepend the value of front digit + 1 to the digits from position 2 ... central digit.
\(\begin{array}{|rrrrll|} \hline & & & \Rsh & & \text{ until central digit} \\ &7 & 8 & 9 & 8 & 7 \\ &| & | & | \\ &+1 & | & | \\ &\downarrow & \downarrow & \downarrow \\ \text{term is } & \color{red}8 &\color{red}8 &\color{red} 9 \\ \hline \end{array} \)
Starting with 1, it is the 888th palindrome
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