I work with horses. Our corrals get flooded during rain and at some point evaporation becomes the
main way they dry. One of the things I have to do is spread the puddles from the low areas out so they'll dry faster.
The experiment should show that evaporation from the 100% sand is fastest, and evaporation from the 100% water is very slow.
This is why we use sand in corrals.
Drainage and evaporation also comes up in all construction, though it's more drainage there. At least if done correctly.
I suppose there are more exciting projects.
When I judged these things I looked more for good experiment design and data analysis than for bells and whistles.
We'd get projects where the parents clearly funded and helped that were real fancy but the write up showed the kid
had no clue. I didn't rate those well. Whereas we'd also get shoestring projects with a clear hypothesis and a
well designed experiment and good write up that I would rate very well.
You have any areas that you'd like to pull your project from? Any real world problems concern you?