


ax^2+bx+c,  bx^2+cx+a,  cx^2+ax+b


\(x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}\\ x = {-c \pm \sqrt{c^2-4ab} \over 2b}\\ x = {-a \pm \sqrt{a^2-4cb} \over 2c}\\ \)


These are the zeros for the 3 expressions.  Off hand I cannot see why there cannot be 6 roots in total.......

Ok I graphed it in desmos and if does not appear to be able to have 6 roots.

I can get 4 but I could work out how to get more.




For any of these to have two roots, the desciminant must be greater than 0.

That can certainly be true for at least one of these but can it be true of 2 or for all there.

Obviously it can be true for 2 cause I graphed it.


So I really do not have a definitive answer.    Most likely 4 but I have not seen any maths to prove it.

Nov 27, 2019

So much easier to read with this post:


it has blessed and healed my eyeballs from un-rendered LaTeX.


What I see on MY screen:


much better compared to what you see on YOUR screen, right?

Nov 27, 2019

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