This will be my probability thread
1) Permutation Question
2) A selection problems
3) Not very hard
4) What is the probabiliy that a rook (castle) and a bishop will threaten each other on a chess board ?
5) Poker
6,7) kids in a circle
8) distinct paths from one corner of a square to the other. :/
9) B***s in boxes
10) lollies and lunchboxes
11) Using poisson distribution.
12) counting chord cuts in a circle
13) Probability - coloured cards
14) counting steps in a grid - :)
15) Car number plates with a twist problem
16) Cars in a carpark
17) b***s in a box
18) Cards
19) I am not sure what this is, some kind of probability. :/
20) Statistics with zscore BUT Binomial Distribution.
21) How many ways can you pair an even number of people off. And other scenarios too.
22) How many ways can N peripherals be attached to k computers if every peripheral must be attached to exactly one computer and and every computer must be attached to at least one periferal.
So ther must be at least as many computers as peripherals k≥N
I believe that this is the formula that Nauseated presented us with
23) 7 digit numbers with conditions
24) Combinations - vertices of a octahedron
25) combination probabiliy - Not too difficult.
26) Lotto Probability
27) Playing cards probabilities
28) b***s - middle high level
29) coin flipping
I made an intereresting discovery here.:)
30) cards
31) Number Theory - New to me. :/
32) Expected values and probabilities
33) Areas inside a square - great logic from Chris
34) nonogon probability
35) Expected values
36) Expected values
37) Expected values
38) Treasue hunt:
39) Pascal Triangle questions (A few around this page)
40) Train probability
41) Probability on a number line (26/4/15 Mellie)
42) Another geometry special (29/4/15 Mellie)
43 ) Expected value
44) lights and colours
45) Children and lollies and did I just discover a formula :/
46) How many ways can 15 Identical candybars be distributed to 5 different children
(15+5-1) C 15 ways (I think)
Learning sites for these lollie questions
47) Another lollie question from Mellie
The subfactorial or left factorial, written, is the number of ways that n objects can be arranged where no object appears in its natural position (known as "derangements.")
49) A and B alternate to roll a die. What is the prob that A rolls a 6 first. (15/5/15)
50) Minimum number of marbles needed (from Mellie) (15/5/15)
51) Chance of 4 winning games in a row in basketball (from Mellie) (15/5/15)
52) Nickels and Pennies (from Mellie) (15/5/15)
53) How many 20 digit numbers are even (from Mellie) (15/5/15)
54) What is the chance of makinga cyclic quad ? (from Mellie) (15/5/15) (page 1769)
Repeating probablility problem
Probability question.
Very tricky selections question. (Alan and Bertie 4/3/15)
Poker probabilities (added 22/3/15)
squares permutations (added 22/3/15)
More squares permutations (added 22/3/15)
Probability - new formula from Nauseated.***s-go-into-9-unique-boxes
Probability - counting
Probability - counting
An alternative diagram method from Alan - This is really neat