
Melody:  I have put my response in the middle of your answers.  


First Question

(please include the question so I don't have to go look for it)

Response to first answer.

y = 4-3 sin (x/4)

The first lowest point should be (2pi, 1) and the first highest point should be (6pi, 7) At least, I think this is correct. 

YES, that is perfect, I hope you worked it out with a rough sketch BEFORE you used Desmos.     I like your graph  wink





Second Question  



  y = 4 cos (2x) -3

you did this one perfectly

  y = f cos (gx) - t  

y = f cos (gx) - t  

melody's correction

  Midline    y = - 3  y = - tyes 
  Amplitude    4   fyes  
  y-intercept    1  (-3+4=1)  g     x-t+f

it is easier

to get this

as you hand

sketch the graph

  Is the y-intercept at the top,

  middle, or bottom?  

  Top  Topyes 
  Wavelength     π (2pi/2=pi)  2π (?)   x2pπ/g 
  A Maximum Point  (π, 1)  (2π, 0) (?)(0,-t+f), (2π/g, -t+f)

don't worry

about these last 2,

they were too

hard anyway.

  A Minimum Point  (π/2, -7)  (π, -2)  (?)(π/g,-t-f) 


I'm not sure how to fill in wavelength, the maximum point, and the minimum point. If you input this into the desmos graph, it gives a rough example, but considering it can be moved due to all these just being variables, I'm just answering with what the baseline graph would look like.

Good, Once you get the wavelength consistently correct that will work well.

anyway those last two questions, max and min with letters was a bit hard, don't get hung up on those.


Please correct me, I think I'm starting to make sense of it more consistently somewhat though. 



Note: I do relatively well usually once I make sense of the concept, suddenly something will just click and I understand it. I avoid over-practicing until I feel I have a general sense of what is wrong and right with the material, so that I don't form bad habits or get myself confused. This has been a really great experience having someone work with me one-on-one. I appreciate your patience and willingness a great deal, even if I might be a bit slow. 

Feb 6, 2020

4 Online Users
