
Thanks for your lovely comments. I am very pleased to help you.   laugh



y=4-3sin(x/4)  is spot on   

    the coefficient of x is   1/4    and

    the wavelength will be   2pi / (1/4) = 8pi

I have altered your graph a little so that the x axis is in radians and I have made the step 2pi.  

I have made the step equal to one quarter of the wavelgth, then it will always look nice and be easy to read from.

Here is my new graph version

See if you can do this too for your future graphs.


Questions for you to answser:

NOW, without looking at the desmos graph I want you to tell me what first maximum point is.

           That is worded in very lay terms ... I want the maximum point with the smallest positive x value.

And I want you to tell me what the first minimum point is too.

(These are co-ordinates with both an x and a y value)

I suggest you sketch it freehand to answer these two questions.

You can check on the desmos graph that i have just given you.



Now for y=ksin(ax)

You have treated your graph like it is fixed, it isn't, see how you can drag the a and the k into different numbers?

your graph

You have to pretend that k and a are just numbers and think about what that would mean.


the amplitude is given by the number that sin is multiplied by so the amplitude is 'k'


the wavelength is 2pi/ (the number in front of x, the x pronumeral)

      in this case the pronumeral of x is 'a'

      so the wavelenth is   2pi/a 



What about this one

y=fcos(gx) -t     (where f, g and t are all positive constants.)



amplitude, y intercept, midline and wavelength.

Feb 6, 2020

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