
As shown in the diagram,\(~BD/DC=2,~CE/EA=3\),  and \(AF/FB=4\).
Find \([DEF]/[ABC]\).


\(\begin{array}{rcll} \text{ Let } BC&=&a\\ \text{ Let } BD&=&\frac{2}{3}a \\ \text{ Let } DC&=&\frac{1}{3}a \\\\ \text{ Let } CA&=&b \\ \text{ Let } CE&=&\frac{3}{4}b \\ \text{ Let } EA&=&\frac{1}{4}b \\\\ \text{ Let } AB&=&c \\ \text{ Let } AF&=&\frac{4}{5}c \\ \text{ Let } FB&=&\frac{1}{5}c \\ \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{rcll} \text{ Let } \angle CAB&=& A\\ \text{ Let } \angle ABC&=& B\\ \text{ Let } \angle BCA&=& C\\ \end{array}\)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline 2*[ABC] &=& bc\sin(A) \\\\ 2*[AFE] &=& \frac{1}{4}b*\frac{4}{5}c \sin(A) \\ 2*[AFE] &=& \frac{1}{5}bc \sin(A) \\ 2*5*[AFE] &=& bc \sin(A) \\ \hline bc\sin(A) = 2*[ABC] &=& 2*5*[AFE] \\ 2*[ABC] &=& 2*5*[AFE] \\ [ABC] &=& 5*[AFE] \\ \mathbf{[AFE]} &=& \mathbf{\frac{1}{5}[ABC]} \\ \hline \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline 2*[ABC] &=& ca\sin(B) \\\\ 2*[FBD] &=& \frac{1}{5}c*\frac{2}{3}a \sin(B) \\ 2*[FBD] &=& \frac{2}{15}ca \sin(B) \\ 2*\frac{15}{2}*[FBD] &=& ca \sin(B) \\ \hline ca \sin(B) = 2*[ABC]&=&2*\frac{15}{2}[FBD] \\ 2*[ABC]&=&2*\frac{15}{2}[FBD] \\ [ABC]&=&\frac{15}{2}[FBD] \\ \mathbf{[FBD]} &=& \mathbf{\frac{2}{15}[ABC]} \\ \hline \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline 2*[ABC] &=& ab\sin(C) \\\\ 2*[EDC] &=& \frac{1}{3}a*\frac{3}{4}b \sin(C) \\ 2*[EDC] &=& \frac{1}{4}ab \sin(C) \\ 2*4*[EDC] &=& ab \sin(C) \\ \hline ab \sin(C) = 2*[ABC] &=& 2*4*[EDC] \\ 2*[ABC] &=& 2*4*[EDC] \\ [ABC] &=& 4*[EDC] \\ \mathbf{[EDC]} &=& \mathbf{\frac{1}{4}[ABC]} \\ \hline \end{array} \)


\(\begin{array}{|rcll|} \hline [DEF] + [AFE]+[FBD]+[EDC] &=& [ABC] \\ [DEF] + \frac{1}{5}[ABC]+\frac{2}{15}[ABC]+\frac{1}{4}[ABC] &=& [ABC] \\ [DEF] + [ABC] \left(\frac{1}{5}+\frac{2}{15}+\frac{1}{4} \right) &=& [ABC] \\ [DEF] + \frac{7}{12}[ABC] &=& [ABC] \\ [DEF] &=& [ABC]- \frac{7}{12}[ABC] \\ [DEF] &=& [ABC] \left(1- \frac{7}{12} \right) \\ [DEF] &=& \frac{5}{12}[ABC] \\ \mathbf{\frac{[DEF]}{[ABC]}} &=& \mathbf{\frac{5}{12}} \\ \hline \end{array}\)



Jul 23, 2021

Neither of you two dumb-dumbs have the correct answer.

The change in power is proportional to the ratio of the cubed velocities.


$\Delta P = \dfrac {V_2^3}{V_1^3}$

$\Delta P = \dfrac {10^3}{5^3} = 8$


$0.5MW *8 = 4 MW$


This is solvable using kinetic energy equations. But you have two errors in your second equation.

Your second equation has an erroneous value for the mass. Also, you multiplied by the coefficient of efficiency instead of dividing. In this case, you should have done neither.


Dividing gives the actual kinetic energy of the air that’s required to produce this power output.  However, if you do this on the second equation you have to do it on the first equation. The results will be the same if the proportions are the same. Despite its mention in the question, the coefficient is not needed to solve this question. In fact, most of the BS written in the context isn’t needed for the question.      


$E_k=\dfrac{1}{2}(40000)(10^2) = 2.0MJ$ – Your result without multiplying by the coefficient of efficiency.


Consider carefully: if you have twice the velocity there will also be twice the mass in the same unit of time.



$E_k=\dfrac{1}{2}(80000)(10^2) = 4.0MJ$



Defining how kenetic energy relates to power:

$KE = \dfrac{1}{2} M * v^2$ the velocity may be expressed as $\left(\dfrac{\dfrac{m}{s}}{s}\right)$

And power as:

$P = \dfrac{KE}{\Delta t} | \;\; t \;\; \text { is in seconds.}$


$P = \dfrac{1}{2}*\left(\dfrac{{\dfrac{\dfrac{m}{s}}{s}}}{s}\right)$


$P = 0.5 M * v^3$



A point about your hint:

Hint: (Although the text is talking about power and energy, they are the same here due to "1 second" (Since P=E/t -->P=E if t=1))


Power and energy are related and one can be derived from the other, but they are never the same. Just as kilometers per hour is never the same as kilometers. It does not matter that the time unit is one (1); they have different units: for power it’s watts and Joules per second. For energy it’s Joules and watt-seconds.



The general equation for power produced by a wind turbine is


$P = 1/2 \pi * r^2 * v^3 * \rho * \eta  \;\;| \;\; \tiny \text {where r is the radius of the turbine blade, v is velocity of the wind, $\rho$ is the air density, and $\eta$ is the efficiency factor.}$ 


With this equation you can reconstruct the basic parameters of the wind turbine. 


This equation was not included, but a lot of BS filler was.



Both the question and the guest answer look like they could have been written with a quill...

That is, written in a narrative style consistent with the lecture circuit of the nineteenth century.    

The great masters of physics and science, such as Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry gave public lectures on various subjects. But for every true master there were dozens of morons, idiots and charlatans, who either did know the subject or couldn’t teach it with any kind of coherent logic.   

Here’s an example in written form.


The presented question post is factual, but the most of the facts are worthless as they relate to the question.  Anyone who might have the basic skills needed to answer the question would already know them anyway.   


Moving from the mid nineteenth century to the mid twentieth century we might find a radio or teleplay encourage children to pursue a career in a science-related field.


Here’s a hypothetical of such a teleplay:  


Tommy: What do you want to do when you grow up, Billy?


Billy: I want to build windmills that catch and stop all the wind. I drew a diagram of one with my quill. I based it on my helicopter hat. 


Tommy: If you stop all the wind, what will make the windmills go around?


Billy: I already figured that out. We’ll have bunches of electrical power; so all we need to do is plug in big fans and blow them on the windmills. 


Tommy: That is so smart. I never thought of that.


Billy: Well it helps to have some physics education.


Tommy: What’s that?


Billy: I don’t know, but someone told me that.



Would anyone care to write a sequel? ...Either in the same era or fifty years later.Probably not...





Jul 23, 2021

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