May 9, 2024

There are three cases to consider, since all three marbles can be red, all white, or all blue.


Case 1: All Red Marbles


Favorable cases: We need to choose 3 red marbles from 4 available. This can be done in ⁴C₃ ways (combinations, not permutations).


Total cases: We can choose any 3 marbles from a total of 4 red + 5 white + 6 blue = 15 marbles in ¹⁵C₃ ways.


Case 2: All White Marbles


Favorable cases: We need to choose 3 white marbles from 5 available. This can be done in ⁵C₃ ways.


Total cases: Same as Case 1 (¹⁵C₃).


Case 3: All Blue Marbles


Favorable cases: We need to choose 3 blue marbles from 6 available. This can be done in ⁶C₃ ways.


Total cases: Same as Case 1 (¹⁵C₃).


Total Probability


The probability that all three marbles are the same color (considering all three cases) is the sum of the probabilities of each case:


P(all same) = P(all red) + P(all white) + P(all blue)


Calculate Each Probability:


P(all red) = ⁴C₃ / ¹⁵C₃ P(all white) = ⁵C₃ / ¹⁵C₃ P(all blue) = ⁶C₃ / ¹⁵C₃


We can simplify each term using the fact that nCr = n! / (r! * (n-r)!):


P(all red) = (4!) / ((3!) * (1!)) / ((15!) / ((3!) * (12!))) P(all white) = (5!) / ((3!) * (2!)) / ((15!) / ((3!) * (12!))) P(all blue) = (6!) / ((3!) * (3!)) / ((15!) / ((3!) * (12!)))


Notice that (3!) and (12!) terms appear in all the denominators and numerators (except the first factorials in the numerators). These terms will cancel out, leaving:


P(all red) = 4 / (15 * 14 * 13) P(all white) = 10 / (15 * 14 * 13) P(all blue) = 20 / (15 * 14 * 13)


Final Probability:


Add the probabilities of each case:


P(all same) = 4/210 + 10/210 + 20/210 = 34/210


Simplify the fraction:


P(all same) = 17/105


Therefore, the probability that all three marbles drawn are the same color is 17/105.

May 9, 2024

To find the probability of winning a super prize in the SuperLottery, we need to consider two mutually exclusive events:


1. **Winning by matching at least two of the white balls.**

2. **Winning by matching the red SuperBall.**


We'll calculate the probabilities for each event and then add them together.


1. **Winning by matching at least two of the white balls:**


   To calculate this probability, we can find the probability of not matching any of the white balls and subtract it from 1.


   The probability of not matching any of the white balls on a single draw is:


   \[\frac{{9 \choose 3}}{{12 \choose 3}}\]


   So, the probability of matching at least two of the white balls is:


   \[1 - \frac{{9 \choose 3}}{{12 \choose 3}}\]


2. **Winning by matching the red SuperBall:**


   The probability of matching the red SuperBall is simply \( \frac{1}{8} \) since there's only one SuperBall drawn from 8 possibilities.


Now, let's calculate these probabilities:


1. Probability of winning by matching at least two of the white balls:

   \[1 - \frac{{9 \choose 3}}{{12 \choose 3}} = 1 - \frac{84}{220} = 1 - \frac{21}{55} = \frac{34}{55}\]


2. Probability of winning by matching the red SuperBall:

   \[P(\text{Red SuperBall}) = \frac{1}{8}\]


Finally, to find the total probability of winning a super prize, we add the probabilities of the two mutually exclusive events:


\[P(\text{Winning super prize}) = P(\text{White balls}) + P(\text{Red SuperBall}) = \frac{34}{55} + \frac{1}{8}\]


\[= \frac{272}{440} + \frac{55}{440}\]


\[= \frac{272 + 55}{440}\]


\[= \frac{327}{440}\]


So, the probability of winning a super prize in the SuperLottery is \( \frac{327}{440} \).

May 9, 2024

We can find the values of b and c using the relationship between the quadratic formula and the roots of the equation.


Roots and Quadratic Formula:


The quadratic formula relates the coefficients (a, b, and c) of the quadratic equation to its roots (r1 and r2):


x = (-b ± sqrt(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)


In this case, we know the roots (5 + 3i and 5 - 3i) and want to find b + c.


Properties of Complex Roots:


Complex numbers as roots of quadratic equations always come in conjugate pairs. This means that if one root is a + bi (where i is the imaginary unit), the other root will be a - bi.


In this case, our roots are 5 + 3i and 5 - 3i, which confirms they are complex conjugates.


Sum of Roots and Coefficients:


There's a useful relationship between the roots (r1 and r2) of a quadratic equation and its coefficients (a, b, and c):


Sum of roots (r1 + r2) = -b / a


Product of roots (r1 * r2) = c / a


Since we're looking for b + c, and the quadratic has a leading coefficient of 1 (a = 1), we can use these relationships directly.


Finding b + c:


Sum of Roots:


The sum of the roots (5 + 3i) and (5 - 3i) is:


(5 + 5) + (3i - 3i) = 10


Since the sum of roots is also -b / a (and a = 1), we have:


-b = 10


Therefore, b = -10


Product of Roots:


The product of the roots (5 + 3i) and (5 - 3i) is:


(5 + 3i) * (5 - 3i) = 25 + 25 = 50


Since the product of roots is also c / a (and a = 1), we have:


c = 50


b + c:


Finally, add b and c to find the desired value:


b + c = -10 + 50 = 40


Therefore, b + c = 40.

May 9, 2024

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