
Hi I am sorry to hear your challenge with math.  Please do not let it go, once you begin to master the basic foundations, it becomes rather enjoyable.  One of the basis for mastering math is to learn to organized the material by topics.  A good start is to begin using the videos offered by KHAN ACADEMY (they are free) .


In addition, talk to your teacher(s) and ask for help!


Once you feel like you have organized the topics to master follow the following approach: PQRST


P: Preview the chapter or topic,  just browse through the outline

Q: Convert the title of the chapter or topic into QUESTIONS (This becomes active learning)

R: Now you get to read and aim to answer the QUESTIONS that you posed for each section

S: STUDY, These is the fun part as you begin to understand concepts and increase your knowledge base.  Answering problems and making sense by using logic and reasoning skills becomes easier.

T: Test yourself, solve problems and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment


A few practical pointers:

(1) Use a notebook or three ring bider only for math. Keep it organized

(2) Use a study room, library, office etc but set goals for 1-2 hour blocks of study time

(2) Once you feel comfortable with specific topic, teach it, help others


I hope these helps you see that math is doable and you have a wonderfully made brain with the ability to acquired kowledge, reason concepts and apply what you have learned.


By the way, I am a medical doctor with advance training in the applications of math (statistics, clinical epidemiology and clinical research) in medicine.  So math is extremely important for me as I take care of patients and teach medical students.


All the best! 

Oct 28, 2016
Oct 28, 2016
Oct 28, 2016
Oct 28, 2016

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