Jun 26, 2018

Max0815, you are very close; all you need to consider is the potential overlap. Look at the diagrams below.




Look at these two arrangements of the rooks. The first set you considered was that every rook occupied every column. The second set you considered was that every rook occupied every row. The diagrams above show some positions that satisfy both conditions; all the rooks are in every column and every row only once. 


In order to figure out the overlap, ask yourself the following: How many ways can each rook occupy one and only one row and column? 


Edit: I realize that the diagrams contain queens--not rooks. Oops! I think the main point still remains, however, so I will keep the diagrams as is. 

Jun 26, 2018
Jun 26, 2018



When we cut all the washers out of the sheet   (  and before we cut any holes in the washers )  the area occupied by each washer  is just  pi  ( outside radius)^2  = pi (1 cm)^2  = pi cm^2


[Note that if the diameter of each washer is 2 cm....then the radius of each is just 1 cm  ]

So....the area occupied by each washer is that of a circle with a radius of 1 cm  =

pi (radius)^2  = pi  (1 cm)^2   =  pi  cm^2


So.....the total are occupied by these washers is  just  7500* pi  cm^2


And the area of the sheet  is  just  (300 cm * 100 cm)  = 30000 cm^2


So....the amount of excess metal surrounding the washers   is just the total area  of the sheet  less the total area occupied by all the washers   = [ 30000  - 7500 pi ] cm^2    (1)


When we take all the washers off the original sheet  [ 7500 of them ] we will cut the centers out  of each of them.....the amount of metal in the center  (the area of metal that will form the hole in the washer )  is just  pi * ( inside radius)^2  = pi  (1/2 cm)^2  = pi/4 cm^2


Since we have 7500 of these....the total area of excess metal from this part is just

7500 *[ pi /4 cm^2]  =   1875 pi  cm^2     (2)



So  the total amout of metal  that we have  to cut washers from is now just  the sum of (1)  and (2)  =


[30000 cm^2  - 7500 pi cm^2]  + 1875 pi cm^2  =  30000cm^2  - 5625 pi cm ^2  =


[ 30000  - 5625 pi ] cm^2   = area of the new sheet 


And each washer  cut from this sheet will  occupy the same area as before  = pi cm^2



So....the total number   of washers we can cut from the new sheet  is


[ Area  of new sheet  ] / [ Area of each washer ] =  [ 30000 - 5625pi] cm^2  /  pi  cm^2   =


[ 30000  - 5625 pi ]  / pi   =


about   3924  washers


Does that make sense  ??



cool cool cool

Jun 26, 2018

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